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Donanma Unsurlarının Afetlere Müdahalede Kullanımı

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1 - 17, 31.03.2023


Donanmalar tarihi misyonları gereği bir ülkenin güvenliğini sağlamak, çıkarlarını korumak ve oluşturdukları politikalarının uygulanmasına yardımcı olmak için hazır tutulan birliklerdir. Ülkeler milyonlarca dolar harcayarak, çeşitli özellikte ve büyüklükteki gemiler yapmış, yaptığı bu gemileri yüzdürmek ve gerekirse savaşmak için bulundurmak zorunda olduğu personel ile oluşturdukları bu güç unsurunu stratejik bir şekilde ve insancıl bir çerçevede kullanmaya başlamıştır. Savunma misyonuna ek olarak, donanmalar son 50 yıldır kritik afet dönemlerinde artan sayıda insani yardım misyonu üstlenmişlerdir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, herhangi bir felaket durumunda müdahalede bulunabilecek donanmaların rolünü değerlendirmektir. Bu bağlamda, seçilmiş ülkelerin donanmaları ve özellikle Türk Donanması irdelenmiştir. Daha sonra, afet dönemlerinde donanmaların kullanımına ilişkin örnekler, savaş gemilerinin genel özellikleri ve afete müdahale ve insani yardım operasyonlarında tercih edilen donanma gemileri incelenmiştir. İnsani yardımda uçan unsurların donanmaya yaptığı katkılar da incelenmiştir. Donanmaların afetler sonrası faaliyetlerinin özellikle müdahale/arama-kurtarma dönemi ile ilişkili olduğu görülmüştür. Son olarak, Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri'nin dünyadaki bu misyon değişikliğine hangi düzeyde adapte olduğu sorgulanmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Apte, A. (2009), Humanitarian logistics: A new field of researchand action. Information and Operations Management, 3(1),1-100.
  • Barry, J., Jefferys, A. (2002). A bridge too far: Aid agencies and the military ın humani-tarian response, (HPN paper No. 37), London: Overseas Development Institute.
  • Beresford, A., Pettit, S. (2012), Humanitarian aid logistics: The wenchuan and Haiti earthquakes compared, G. Kovács and K.M. Spens in, relief supply chain for disasters: Humanitarian aid and emergency logistics (pp.45-67), Hershey: Business Science Reference.
  • Blaikie, P., Cannon, T., Davis, I., Wisner, B. (2003). At risk: Natural hazards, people’s vulnerability and disasters, Wiltshire: Routledge.
  • Bugnion, F. (2013), Birth of an idea: The founding of the international committee of the red cross and of the international red cross and red crescent movement: From solferino to the original geneva convention (1859–1864). International Review of the Red Cross 94 (2013), 1299-1338.
  • Cable, J. (1971), Gunboat diplomacy: Political applications of limited naval force, Chatto and Windus for the Institute for Strategic Studies.
  • Canyon, D., Ryan, B., Burkle, F. (2017), Military provision of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief in non-conflict crises. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, (2017), 1-5.
  • Carter, W.N. (1999), Disaster management: A disaster management handbook. Manila: Asian Development Bank.
  • Davey, E., Borton, J., Foley, M. (2013), A history of the humanitarian system,western origins and foundations. HPG Working Paper. London: Overseas Development Institute
  • Erbaş, F. (2016). 19. yüzyıl Doğu Akdeniz donanma mücadelesinde öne çıkan devletler ve faktörler. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, (8), 133-158.
  • Etkin, D., Mcbey, K., Trollope, C. (2011), The military and disaster management: A Canadian perspective on the issue, New York: Springer.
  • Forster, L. (2015), The soft power currencies of us navy hospital ship missions, International studies perspectives, 16(4), 367–387.
  • George, A. (2003), The Babylonian Gilgameshepic: Introduction, critical edition and cuneiformtexts, New York: Oxford University Press: 506, 875-876.
  • Greenfield, C.M., Ingram, C.A. (2011), An analysis of U.S. Navy humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations, CA: Naval Postgraduate School.
  • Güvenç, S., Egeli, S. (2016), Changing naval balances in the eastern mediterranean: Implications for Turkey, Turkish Policy Quarterly 15(1), 93-105.
  • Haas, J.E., Kates, R.W. Bowden, M.J. (1977), Reconstruction following disaster. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Inter Agency Standing Commitee (IASC). (2004), Civil-military relationship in complex emergencies, an IASC reference paper.
  • Inter Agency Standing Commitee (IASC). (2008). Civil-military guidelines & referencefor complex emergencies.
  • Joint Doctrine Publication (2022), UK terminology supplement to NATO term (Edition A), UK: ministry of defence
  • Kadıoğlu, M. (2008), Modern, bütünleşik afet yönetiminin temel ilkeleri. M.Kadıoğlu ve E. Özdamar (Der.), Afet zararlarını azaltmanın temel ilkeleri (ss. 1-34). Ankara: JICA Türkiye Ofisi Yayınları.
  • Lawlor, A., Kraus, A., Kwast, H. (2008), Navy-NGO coordination for health-related HCA missions: a suggested planning framework, Arlington, VA: CNA Corporation.
  • Lee, H. W., Zbinden, M. (2003), Marrying logistics and technology for effective relief, Forced Migration Review, 18(3), 34-35.
  • Long, D. (1997), Logistics for disaster relief: Engineering on the run, IIE Solutions, 29 (6), 26-29.
  • Merçil, E. (2009). Selçuklular döneminde Türk denizcilik faaliyetleri. içinde: Türk denizcilik tarihi, 1. cilt. Deniz Yayınevi Müdürlüğü, İstanbul, 21-31.
  • MCDA Guidelines (2003), Guidelines on the use of military and civil defence assetsto support united nations humanitarian activities in complex emergencies, Oslo: United Nations
  • Natarajarathinam, M., Capar, I., Narayanan, A. (2009), Managing supply chains in times of crisis: a review of literature and insights, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 39 (7), 535-573. OCHA (2007). Oslo guidelines: Guidelines on the use of foreign military and civil defence assestsin disaster relief. Oslo: United Nations
  • Oloruntoba, R., Gray, R. (2006), Humanitarian aid: an agile supply chain?, Supply Chain Management, 11(2), 115-20.
  • Özerdem, S. (2006). The mountain tsunami: afterthoughts on the Kashmir earthquake. Third World Quarterly, 27(3), 397-419.
  • Özgen, C. (2018). Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri açısından uçak gemisi tedarikinin incelenmesi, Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(2), 2148-1776.
  • Pettit, S.J., Beresford, A.K.C. (2005). Emergency relief logistics: an evaluation of military, non-military and composite response models, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 8(4), 313-331.
  • Phillips, B.D (2005), Disaster as a discipline: The status of emergency management education in the US. International Journal of Mass-Emergencies and Disasters, 23(1), 111-140.
  • Quarantelli, E.L. (1998), What is a disaster?: a dozen perspectives on the question, London: Routledge.
  • Seybolt, T.B. (2007), Humanitarian military intervention: the conditions for success and failure. Stockholm: SIPRI.
  • Smith, K., Petley, D.N. (2009), Environmental hazards: Assessing risk and reducing disasters, 5th edition London-New York: Routledge.
  • Tatham, P., Kovacs, G. (2009), Humanitarian logistics performance in the light of gender, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 58(2), 1-14.
  • Tomasini, R., Van Wassenhove, L. (2009), Humanitarian logistics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Upadhyaya, S. (2018), Maritime Security Cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region: Assessment of India’s Maritime Strategy to be the Regional “Net Security Provider”, Australia: University of Wollongong
  • Van Wassenhove, L.(2006), Humanitarian aid logistics: supply chain management in high gear’. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57(5), 475-489.
  • Vego, M.N. (2008), On naval power, JFQ, 50(3), 8-18.
  • URL 1, (Son Erişim: 14.03.2021).
  • URL 2, (Son Erişim: 14.04.2021)
  • URL 3, -role/index.html (Son Erişim: 14.03.2021).
  • URL 4, (Son Erişim: 01.02.2020).

Use of Navy Units in Response to Disasters

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1 - 17, 31.03.2023


Because of their historical mission, navies are units that are kept to ensure the security of a country, to protect its interests and to help implement its policies. In addition to the defense mission, the navies have undertaken an increasing number of humanitarian aid missions in critical period of disasters for the last 50 years. The aim of this study is to assess the role of the navies in any event of a disaster. In this context navies of selected countries and Turkish Navy, in particular, have been scrutinized. Then, examples of the use of the navies at the period of disasters have been investigated by means of warship characteristics and preferred navy vessels in disaster response and humanitarian aid operations. The contributions of the flying units to the navy in humanitarian aid have also been scrutinized, as well. It is realised that post-disaster navy activities were mainly related to the relief/rescue-search period. Finally, it has been questioned at which level the Turkish Navy adapted itself to this mission change in the world.

Proje Numarası



  • Apte, A. (2009), Humanitarian logistics: A new field of researchand action. Information and Operations Management, 3(1),1-100.
  • Barry, J., Jefferys, A. (2002). A bridge too far: Aid agencies and the military ın humani-tarian response, (HPN paper No. 37), London: Overseas Development Institute.
  • Beresford, A., Pettit, S. (2012), Humanitarian aid logistics: The wenchuan and Haiti earthquakes compared, G. Kovács and K.M. Spens in, relief supply chain for disasters: Humanitarian aid and emergency logistics (pp.45-67), Hershey: Business Science Reference.
  • Blaikie, P., Cannon, T., Davis, I., Wisner, B. (2003). At risk: Natural hazards, people’s vulnerability and disasters, Wiltshire: Routledge.
  • Bugnion, F. (2013), Birth of an idea: The founding of the international committee of the red cross and of the international red cross and red crescent movement: From solferino to the original geneva convention (1859–1864). International Review of the Red Cross 94 (2013), 1299-1338.
  • Cable, J. (1971), Gunboat diplomacy: Political applications of limited naval force, Chatto and Windus for the Institute for Strategic Studies.
  • Canyon, D., Ryan, B., Burkle, F. (2017), Military provision of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief in non-conflict crises. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, (2017), 1-5.
  • Carter, W.N. (1999), Disaster management: A disaster management handbook. Manila: Asian Development Bank.
  • Davey, E., Borton, J., Foley, M. (2013), A history of the humanitarian system,western origins and foundations. HPG Working Paper. London: Overseas Development Institute
  • Erbaş, F. (2016). 19. yüzyıl Doğu Akdeniz donanma mücadelesinde öne çıkan devletler ve faktörler. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, (8), 133-158.
  • Etkin, D., Mcbey, K., Trollope, C. (2011), The military and disaster management: A Canadian perspective on the issue, New York: Springer.
  • Forster, L. (2015), The soft power currencies of us navy hospital ship missions, International studies perspectives, 16(4), 367–387.
  • George, A. (2003), The Babylonian Gilgameshepic: Introduction, critical edition and cuneiformtexts, New York: Oxford University Press: 506, 875-876.
  • Greenfield, C.M., Ingram, C.A. (2011), An analysis of U.S. Navy humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations, CA: Naval Postgraduate School.
  • Güvenç, S., Egeli, S. (2016), Changing naval balances in the eastern mediterranean: Implications for Turkey, Turkish Policy Quarterly 15(1), 93-105.
  • Haas, J.E., Kates, R.W. Bowden, M.J. (1977), Reconstruction following disaster. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Inter Agency Standing Commitee (IASC). (2004), Civil-military relationship in complex emergencies, an IASC reference paper.
  • Inter Agency Standing Commitee (IASC). (2008). Civil-military guidelines & referencefor complex emergencies.
  • Joint Doctrine Publication (2022), UK terminology supplement to NATO term (Edition A), UK: ministry of defence
  • Kadıoğlu, M. (2008), Modern, bütünleşik afet yönetiminin temel ilkeleri. M.Kadıoğlu ve E. Özdamar (Der.), Afet zararlarını azaltmanın temel ilkeleri (ss. 1-34). Ankara: JICA Türkiye Ofisi Yayınları.
  • Lawlor, A., Kraus, A., Kwast, H. (2008), Navy-NGO coordination for health-related HCA missions: a suggested planning framework, Arlington, VA: CNA Corporation.
  • Lee, H. W., Zbinden, M. (2003), Marrying logistics and technology for effective relief, Forced Migration Review, 18(3), 34-35.
  • Long, D. (1997), Logistics for disaster relief: Engineering on the run, IIE Solutions, 29 (6), 26-29.
  • Merçil, E. (2009). Selçuklular döneminde Türk denizcilik faaliyetleri. içinde: Türk denizcilik tarihi, 1. cilt. Deniz Yayınevi Müdürlüğü, İstanbul, 21-31.
  • MCDA Guidelines (2003), Guidelines on the use of military and civil defence assetsto support united nations humanitarian activities in complex emergencies, Oslo: United Nations
  • Natarajarathinam, M., Capar, I., Narayanan, A. (2009), Managing supply chains in times of crisis: a review of literature and insights, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 39 (7), 535-573. OCHA (2007). Oslo guidelines: Guidelines on the use of foreign military and civil defence assestsin disaster relief. Oslo: United Nations
  • Oloruntoba, R., Gray, R. (2006), Humanitarian aid: an agile supply chain?, Supply Chain Management, 11(2), 115-20.
  • Özerdem, S. (2006). The mountain tsunami: afterthoughts on the Kashmir earthquake. Third World Quarterly, 27(3), 397-419.
  • Özgen, C. (2018). Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri açısından uçak gemisi tedarikinin incelenmesi, Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(2), 2148-1776.
  • Pettit, S.J., Beresford, A.K.C. (2005). Emergency relief logistics: an evaluation of military, non-military and composite response models, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 8(4), 313-331.
  • Phillips, B.D (2005), Disaster as a discipline: The status of emergency management education in the US. International Journal of Mass-Emergencies and Disasters, 23(1), 111-140.
  • Quarantelli, E.L. (1998), What is a disaster?: a dozen perspectives on the question, London: Routledge.
  • Seybolt, T.B. (2007), Humanitarian military intervention: the conditions for success and failure. Stockholm: SIPRI.
  • Smith, K., Petley, D.N. (2009), Environmental hazards: Assessing risk and reducing disasters, 5th edition London-New York: Routledge.
  • Tatham, P., Kovacs, G. (2009), Humanitarian logistics performance in the light of gender, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 58(2), 1-14.
  • Tomasini, R., Van Wassenhove, L. (2009), Humanitarian logistics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Upadhyaya, S. (2018), Maritime Security Cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region: Assessment of India’s Maritime Strategy to be the Regional “Net Security Provider”, Australia: University of Wollongong
  • Van Wassenhove, L.(2006), Humanitarian aid logistics: supply chain management in high gear’. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57(5), 475-489.
  • Vego, M.N. (2008), On naval power, JFQ, 50(3), 8-18.
  • URL 1, (Son Erişim: 14.03.2021).
  • URL 2, (Son Erişim: 14.04.2021)
  • URL 3, -role/index.html (Son Erişim: 14.03.2021).
  • URL 4, (Son Erişim: 01.02.2020).
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Yalçın Düdükcü 0000-0002-1969-1732

Murat Utkucu 0000-0001-7528-937X

Proje Numarası Yok
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2023
Kabul Tarihi 2 Şubat 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Düdükcü, Y., & Utkucu, M. (2023). Donanma Unsurlarının Afetlere Müdahalede Kullanımı. Afet Ve Risk Dergisi, 6(1), 1-17.
AMA Düdükcü Y, Utkucu M. Donanma Unsurlarının Afetlere Müdahalede Kullanımı. Afet ve Risk Dergisi. Mart 2023;6(1):1-17. doi:10.35341/afet.1089895
Chicago Düdükcü, Yalçın, ve Murat Utkucu. “Donanma Unsurlarının Afetlere Müdahalede Kullanımı”. Afet Ve Risk Dergisi 6, sy. 1 (Mart 2023): 1-17.
EndNote Düdükcü Y, Utkucu M (01 Mart 2023) Donanma Unsurlarının Afetlere Müdahalede Kullanımı. Afet ve Risk Dergisi 6 1 1–17.
IEEE Y. Düdükcü ve M. Utkucu, “Donanma Unsurlarının Afetlere Müdahalede Kullanımı”, Afet ve Risk Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 1, ss. 1–17, 2023, doi: 10.35341/afet.1089895.
ISNAD Düdükcü, Yalçın - Utkucu, Murat. “Donanma Unsurlarının Afetlere Müdahalede Kullanımı”. Afet ve Risk Dergisi 6/1 (Mart 2023), 1-17.
JAMA Düdükcü Y, Utkucu M. Donanma Unsurlarının Afetlere Müdahalede Kullanımı. Afet ve Risk Dergisi. 2023;6:1–17.
MLA Düdükcü, Yalçın ve Murat Utkucu. “Donanma Unsurlarının Afetlere Müdahalede Kullanımı”. Afet Ve Risk Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 1-17, doi:10.35341/afet.1089895.
Vancouver Düdükcü Y, Utkucu M. Donanma Unsurlarının Afetlere Müdahalede Kullanımı. Afet ve Risk Dergisi. 2023;6(1):1-17.