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Examining of the Relationship between Consumer Attitudes and Purchasing Behavior towards Product Placements Included in Social Media Videos

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 1345 - 1356, 29.09.2023


Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de sosyal medya videolarında yer alan ürün yerleştirmelerin satın alma davranışı üzerindeki etkisini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Karma araştırma yönteminin izlendiği araştırmada veri toplama tekniği olarak anket seçilmiş ve bu ankette demografik ifadelerin yanı sıra ürün yerleştirme ölçeği ve satın alma davranışı ölçeği ile ilgili sorular yer almaktadır. Çalışmanın konusuna göre uyarlanan anket, Türkiye'de 18 yaş üstü sosyal medya kullanıcılarına uygulanmış ve 432 yanıt alınmıştır. Elde edilen veriler, araştırma modeline göre oluşturulan hipotezlere göre SPSS ve Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli (YEM) programları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre ürün yerleştirmenin sadece farkındalık boyutunun satın alma davranışı üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Ayrıca ürün yerleştirme ölçeğinin etik, tutum ve kontrol alt boyutlarının bir diğer alt boyut olan farkındalık üzerindeki etkisi de incelenmiş ve sadece kontrol alt boyutunun farkındalık alt boyutu üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu anlaşılmıştır.


  • ALAGOZ, S., & GULER, B. (2018). “Bilgisayar Oyunlarında Ürün Yerleştirmeye Yönelik Tüketici Tutumu ve Satın Alma Niyeti Arasındaki İlişki”. Kahramanmaraş Sutcu Imam University Journal of Social Sciences, 15(2): 479-500.
  • AUTY, S., & LEWIS, C. (2004). Exploring Children's Choice: The Reminder Effect of Product Placement. Psychology & Marketing, 21(9): 697-713.
  • KPD BALAKRISHNAN, B., DOUSIN, O., & PERMARUPAN, P. (2012). The Impact of Brand Placement and Brand Recall in Movies: Empirical Evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 5(2): 39-52.
  • BALASUBRAMANIAN, S. K. (1994). Beyond Advertising and Publicity: Hybrid Messages and Public Policy Issues. Journal of Advertising, 23(4): 29-46.
  • BALASUBRAMANIAN, S. K., KARRH, J. A., & PATWARDHAN, H. (2006). Audience response to product placements: An integrative framework and future research agenda. Journal of advertising, 35(3): 115-141.
  • BASARIR, O. (2020). “Marka Farkındalığı Ile Satın Alma Niyeti Arasındaki İlişki Bağlamında Televizyon Dizilerinde Ürün Yerleştirme”. Ibad Journal of Social Sciences, (8): 383-403.
  • BASGOZE, P., & KAZANCI, Ş. (2014). “Ürün Yerleştirme ve Reklama İlişkin Tutumların Satın Alma Eğilimi ve Marka İmajı Üzerine Etkileri”. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 32(1): 29-54.
  • BRENNAN, I., DUBAS, K. M., & BABIN, L. A. (1999). The Influence of Product-Placement Type & Exposure Time on Product-Placement Recognition. International Journal of Advertising, 18(3): 323-337.
  • BUYUKOZTURK, Ş. (2002). “Faktör Analizi: Temel Kavramlar ve Ölçek Geliştirmede Kullanımı”. Journal of Educational Management in Theory and Practice, 8(4): 470-483.
  • CAKIR, V., & KINIT, E. (2014). “Televizyon Dizilerinde Ürün Yerleştirme ve Sponsorluğun Sonuçları”. Global Media Journal: Turkish Edition, 5(9).
  • CAPIK, C. (2014). “Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalişmalarinda Doğrulayici Faktör Analizinin Kullanimi”. Anatolian Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 17(3): 196-205.
  • COLLIER, J. E. (2020). Applied structural equation modeling using AMOS: Basic to advanced techniques. Routledge.
  • DUNDAR, M., & COBAN, S. (2020). “Ürün Yerleştirme Çabalarında Tüketici Algılarının Satın Alma Niyeti ve Marka İmajı Üzerine Etkileri: Konya İli Örneği”. Gümüşhane University Institute of Social Sciences Electronic Journal, 11(3): 792-804.
  • GOULD, S. J., GUPTA, P. B., & GRABNER-KRÄUTER, S. (2000). Product Placements in Movies: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Austrian, French and American Consumers' Attitudes toward This Emerging, International Promotional Medium. Journal of Advertising, 29(4): 41-58.
  • GUPTA, P. B., & GOULD, S. J. (1997). Consumers' Perceptions of the Ethics and Acceptability of Product Placements in Movies: Product Category and İndividual Differences. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 19(1): 37-50.
  • GUPTA, P. B., & LORD, K. R. (1998). Product Placement in Movies: The Effect of Prominence and Mode on Audience Recall. Journal of Current Issues & Research İn Advertising, 20(1): 47-59.
  • JIN, C., & VILLEGAS, J. (2007). The Effect of the Placement of the Product in Film: Consumers' Emotional Responses to Humorous Stimuli and Prior Brand Evaluation. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis For Marketing, 15(4): 244-255.
  • JUNG, E., & CHILDS, M. (2020). Destination as Product Placement: An Advertising Strategy to Impact Beliefs and Behavioral Intentions. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 32(3): 178-193.
  • KAPLAN, A. M., & HAENLEIN, M. (2012). Social Media: Back to the Roots and Back to the Future. Journal of Systems and Information Technology.
  • KARA, E. "Ürün Yerleştirme ve Satın Alma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisi: Kullanıldığı Ortamlar ve Tutundurma Yöntemleri Arasında Mukayeseli Analizi''." Published Master's Thesis, Atatürk University Institute of Social Sciences (2016).
  • LAW, S., & BRAUN, K. A. (2000). I'll Have What She's Having: Gauging the Impact of Product Placements on Viewers. Psychology & Marketing, 17(12): 1059-1075.
  • LIN, H. F., & CHEN, C. H. (2013). An Intelligent Embedded Marketing Service System Based on TV Apps: Design and İmplementation through Product Placement in Idol Dramas. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(10): 4127-4136.
  • LIU, Y. (2010). Social media tools as a learning resource. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange (JETDE), 3(1): 8.
  • MORTON, C. R., & FRIEDMAN, M. (2002). “I Saw It in The Movies”: Exploring the Link between Product Placement Beliefs and Reported Usage Behavior. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 24(2): 33-40.
  • NARCI, M. T. (2017). Consumer Behavior and Social Media Marketing: A Research on University Student. Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis, 2(3): 279-307.
  • NEWELL, J., SALMON, C. T., & CHANG, S. (2006). The Hidden History of Product Placement. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 50(4): 575-594.
  • ONG, B. S. (1995). Should Product Placement in Movies be Banned? Journal of Promotion Management, 2(3-4): 159-176.
  • PANCANINGRUM, E., & ULANI, T. (2020, January). The Effect of Product Placement on Customer Interests in Mediation by Brand Awareness. In 17th International Symposium on Management (Insyma 2020) (Pp. 177-182). Atlantis Press.
  • SINGH, N., LEHNERT, K., & BOSTICK, K. (2012). Global social media usage: Insights into reaching consumers worldwide. Thunderbird International Business Review, 54(5): 683-700.
  • SCHWEMMER, C., & ZIEWIECKI, S. (2018). Social media sellout: The increasing role of product promotion on YouTube. Social Media+ Society, 4(3), 2056305118786720.
  • TEKELI, K. (2014). “Tüketicilerin TV Programlarında Ürün Yerleştirme Konusundaki Tutumlarına Yönelik Bir Araştırma” (Doctoral Dissertation, Süleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Sciences).
  • TESSITORE, T., & GEUENS, M. (2013). Pp for ‘Product Placement ‘or ‘Puzzled Public’? The Effectiveness of Symbols as Warnings of Product Placement and the Moderating Role of Brand Recall. International Journal of Advertising, 32(3): 419-442.
  • TUIK.GOV.TR (2022). Population Distribution by Years, Age Group and Gender Report, (15.08.2022). https://Data.Tuik.Gov.Tr
  • ULLMAN, J. B., & BENTLER, P. M. (2012). Structural equation modeling. Handbook of Psychology, Second Edition, 2.
  • VARDARLIER, P., & ZAFER, C. (2019). “Medya ve Toplum”. Journal of Selcuk University Vocational School of Social Sciences, 22(2): 355-361.
  • WILLIAMS, K., PETROSKY, A., HERNANDEZ, E., & PAGE JR, R. (2011). Product Placement Effectiveness: Revisited And Renewed. Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 7, 1.
  • YANG, M., & ROSKOS-EWOLDSEN, D. R. (2007). The Effectiveness of Brand Placements in the Movies: Levels of Placements, Explicit and Implicit Memory, and Brand-Choice Behavior. Journal of Communication, 57(3): 469-489.
  • YASLIOGLU, M. M. (2017). “Sosyal Bilimlerde Faktör Analizi ve Geçerlilik: Keşfedici ve Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizlerinin Kullanılması”. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Business Administration, 46: 74-85.
  • YAVUZ, S. (2019). “Determination of the normal distribution of data by visual methods.” Iksad IV. international congress of social sciences. 615-625.

Examining of the Relationship between Consumer Attitudes and Purchasing Behavior towards Product Placements Included in Social Media Videos

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 1345 - 1356, 29.09.2023


This study aims to determine the effect of product placements in social media videos on purchasing behavior in Turkey. In the research, in which a mixed research method was followed, a questionnaire was chosen as the data collection technique, and in this questionnaire, there are questions about the product placement scale and the purchasing behavior scale as well as demographic expressions. The questionnaire, adapted according to the subject of the study, was applied to social media users over the age of 18 in Turkey, and 432 responses were received. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) programs according to the hypotheses created about the research model. According to the results of the research, it is understood that only the awareness dimension of product placement has a statistically significant effect on purchasing behavior. In addition, the effect of the ethics, attitude, and control sub-dimensions of the product placement scale on awareness, which is another sub-dimension, was also examined and it was understood that only the control sub-dimension had a statistically significant effect on the awareness sub-dimension.


  • ALAGOZ, S., & GULER, B. (2018). “Bilgisayar Oyunlarında Ürün Yerleştirmeye Yönelik Tüketici Tutumu ve Satın Alma Niyeti Arasındaki İlişki”. Kahramanmaraş Sutcu Imam University Journal of Social Sciences, 15(2): 479-500.
  • AUTY, S., & LEWIS, C. (2004). Exploring Children's Choice: The Reminder Effect of Product Placement. Psychology & Marketing, 21(9): 697-713.
  • KPD BALAKRISHNAN, B., DOUSIN, O., & PERMARUPAN, P. (2012). The Impact of Brand Placement and Brand Recall in Movies: Empirical Evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 5(2): 39-52.
  • BALASUBRAMANIAN, S. K. (1994). Beyond Advertising and Publicity: Hybrid Messages and Public Policy Issues. Journal of Advertising, 23(4): 29-46.
  • BALASUBRAMANIAN, S. K., KARRH, J. A., & PATWARDHAN, H. (2006). Audience response to product placements: An integrative framework and future research agenda. Journal of advertising, 35(3): 115-141.
  • BASARIR, O. (2020). “Marka Farkındalığı Ile Satın Alma Niyeti Arasındaki İlişki Bağlamında Televizyon Dizilerinde Ürün Yerleştirme”. Ibad Journal of Social Sciences, (8): 383-403.
  • BASGOZE, P., & KAZANCI, Ş. (2014). “Ürün Yerleştirme ve Reklama İlişkin Tutumların Satın Alma Eğilimi ve Marka İmajı Üzerine Etkileri”. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 32(1): 29-54.
  • BRENNAN, I., DUBAS, K. M., & BABIN, L. A. (1999). The Influence of Product-Placement Type & Exposure Time on Product-Placement Recognition. International Journal of Advertising, 18(3): 323-337.
  • BUYUKOZTURK, Ş. (2002). “Faktör Analizi: Temel Kavramlar ve Ölçek Geliştirmede Kullanımı”. Journal of Educational Management in Theory and Practice, 8(4): 470-483.
  • CAKIR, V., & KINIT, E. (2014). “Televizyon Dizilerinde Ürün Yerleştirme ve Sponsorluğun Sonuçları”. Global Media Journal: Turkish Edition, 5(9).
  • CAPIK, C. (2014). “Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalişmalarinda Doğrulayici Faktör Analizinin Kullanimi”. Anatolian Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 17(3): 196-205.
  • COLLIER, J. E. (2020). Applied structural equation modeling using AMOS: Basic to advanced techniques. Routledge.
  • DUNDAR, M., & COBAN, S. (2020). “Ürün Yerleştirme Çabalarında Tüketici Algılarının Satın Alma Niyeti ve Marka İmajı Üzerine Etkileri: Konya İli Örneği”. Gümüşhane University Institute of Social Sciences Electronic Journal, 11(3): 792-804.
  • GOULD, S. J., GUPTA, P. B., & GRABNER-KRÄUTER, S. (2000). Product Placements in Movies: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Austrian, French and American Consumers' Attitudes toward This Emerging, International Promotional Medium. Journal of Advertising, 29(4): 41-58.
  • GUPTA, P. B., & GOULD, S. J. (1997). Consumers' Perceptions of the Ethics and Acceptability of Product Placements in Movies: Product Category and İndividual Differences. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 19(1): 37-50.
  • GUPTA, P. B., & LORD, K. R. (1998). Product Placement in Movies: The Effect of Prominence and Mode on Audience Recall. Journal of Current Issues & Research İn Advertising, 20(1): 47-59.
  • JIN, C., & VILLEGAS, J. (2007). The Effect of the Placement of the Product in Film: Consumers' Emotional Responses to Humorous Stimuli and Prior Brand Evaluation. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis For Marketing, 15(4): 244-255.
  • JUNG, E., & CHILDS, M. (2020). Destination as Product Placement: An Advertising Strategy to Impact Beliefs and Behavioral Intentions. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 32(3): 178-193.
  • KAPLAN, A. M., & HAENLEIN, M. (2012). Social Media: Back to the Roots and Back to the Future. Journal of Systems and Information Technology.
  • KARA, E. "Ürün Yerleştirme ve Satın Alma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisi: Kullanıldığı Ortamlar ve Tutundurma Yöntemleri Arasında Mukayeseli Analizi''." Published Master's Thesis, Atatürk University Institute of Social Sciences (2016).
  • LAW, S., & BRAUN, K. A. (2000). I'll Have What She's Having: Gauging the Impact of Product Placements on Viewers. Psychology & Marketing, 17(12): 1059-1075.
  • LIN, H. F., & CHEN, C. H. (2013). An Intelligent Embedded Marketing Service System Based on TV Apps: Design and İmplementation through Product Placement in Idol Dramas. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(10): 4127-4136.
  • LIU, Y. (2010). Social media tools as a learning resource. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange (JETDE), 3(1): 8.
  • MORTON, C. R., & FRIEDMAN, M. (2002). “I Saw It in The Movies”: Exploring the Link between Product Placement Beliefs and Reported Usage Behavior. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 24(2): 33-40.
  • NARCI, M. T. (2017). Consumer Behavior and Social Media Marketing: A Research on University Student. Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis, 2(3): 279-307.
  • NEWELL, J., SALMON, C. T., & CHANG, S. (2006). The Hidden History of Product Placement. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 50(4): 575-594.
  • ONG, B. S. (1995). Should Product Placement in Movies be Banned? Journal of Promotion Management, 2(3-4): 159-176.
  • PANCANINGRUM, E., & ULANI, T. (2020, January). The Effect of Product Placement on Customer Interests in Mediation by Brand Awareness. In 17th International Symposium on Management (Insyma 2020) (Pp. 177-182). Atlantis Press.
  • SINGH, N., LEHNERT, K., & BOSTICK, K. (2012). Global social media usage: Insights into reaching consumers worldwide. Thunderbird International Business Review, 54(5): 683-700.
  • SCHWEMMER, C., & ZIEWIECKI, S. (2018). Social media sellout: The increasing role of product promotion on YouTube. Social Media+ Society, 4(3), 2056305118786720.
  • TEKELI, K. (2014). “Tüketicilerin TV Programlarında Ürün Yerleştirme Konusundaki Tutumlarına Yönelik Bir Araştırma” (Doctoral Dissertation, Süleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Sciences).
  • TESSITORE, T., & GEUENS, M. (2013). Pp for ‘Product Placement ‘or ‘Puzzled Public’? The Effectiveness of Symbols as Warnings of Product Placement and the Moderating Role of Brand Recall. International Journal of Advertising, 32(3): 419-442.
  • TUIK.GOV.TR (2022). Population Distribution by Years, Age Group and Gender Report, (15.08.2022). https://Data.Tuik.Gov.Tr
  • ULLMAN, J. B., & BENTLER, P. M. (2012). Structural equation modeling. Handbook of Psychology, Second Edition, 2.
  • VARDARLIER, P., & ZAFER, C. (2019). “Medya ve Toplum”. Journal of Selcuk University Vocational School of Social Sciences, 22(2): 355-361.
  • WILLIAMS, K., PETROSKY, A., HERNANDEZ, E., & PAGE JR, R. (2011). Product Placement Effectiveness: Revisited And Renewed. Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 7, 1.
  • YANG, M., & ROSKOS-EWOLDSEN, D. R. (2007). The Effectiveness of Brand Placements in the Movies: Levels of Placements, Explicit and Implicit Memory, and Brand-Choice Behavior. Journal of Communication, 57(3): 469-489.
  • YASLIOGLU, M. M. (2017). “Sosyal Bilimlerde Faktör Analizi ve Geçerlilik: Keşfedici ve Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizlerinin Kullanılması”. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Business Administration, 46: 74-85.
  • YAVUZ, S. (2019). “Determination of the normal distribution of data by visual methods.” Iksad IV. international congress of social sciences. 615-625.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Finans
Bölüm Makaleler

Muhammed Talha Narcı 0000-0002-2103-4037

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Eylül 2023
Kabul Tarihi 19 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Narcı, M. T. (2023). Examining of the Relationship between Consumer Attitudes and Purchasing Behavior towards Product Placements Included in Social Media Videos. Alanya Akademik Bakış, 7(3), 1345-1356.