Research Article
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Russian Orthodox Church and Covid-19 Pandemic: New Challenges and New Opportunities

Year 2022, , 362 - 384, 14.01.2022


COVID-19 pandemic that reached Russia in March 2020, affected Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) in a negative way. Following the recommendations about the closure of the churches in Russia in late March 2020, ROC confronted serious challenges. This article problematizes position of ROC that faced a dilemma whether to close churches and put some of them onto the brink of poverty, or to perform religion’s main function and support citizens morally and spiritually. This article seeks to answer the question about the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Russian Orthodox Church. It is argued that ROC has been affected by pandemic to a significant extent. First, ROC faced troubles in its relations with the government. Till the last minute, churchmen were resisting decision of the authorities to close the churches. Second, COVID-19 pandemic posed a threat to the position of ROC in Russian society: flock had distanced from the Church due to the isolation measures adopted. Third, financial contributions of the citizens have deteriorated that has led to the financial crisis within the Church. Fourth, split between different groups of clergy has deepen during the pandemic. Finally, pandemic caused not only new challenges, but also new opportunities for ROC. Thus, there is a chance to launch online services to avoid gap between flock and the Church. Second, the Church has the chance to redefine its ideology and worldview to address new issues of the post-COVID world. Author concentrates on the period between March 2020 and October 2021 and embraces qualitative methodology.


  • Agency for Strategic Communications. (2020). Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov' V Usloviyakh Pandemii Sars-Cov-2. [Russian Orthodox Church in Conditions Pandemic Sars-Cov-2].
  • Agency of the City News "Moscow". (2020, March 2). Opros: 75% pravoslavnykh rossiyan podderzhali by perevod bogosluzheniy na russkiy yazyk [Poll: 75% of Orthodox Russians would support the translation of services into Russian].
  • Allen, E.A. (2020, May 7). Pope will livestream events to avoid Vatican crowds as coronoavirus fears mount. CRUX.
  • Artem Naryshkin: Fundamentalisty protiv liberalov: protivostoyaniye vnutri RPTS [Artem Naryshkin: Fundamentalists versus Liberals: Confrontation within the Russian Orthodox Church]. (2020, February 28).
  • Badmayev, N. (2020, April 14). Slovo svyashchennika khrama prp. Serafima Sarovskogo na Serafimovskom kladbishche, protoiyereya Nikity Badmayeva [The word of the priest of the temple of St. Seraphim of Sarov at the Serafimovskoye cemetery, Archpriest Nikita Badmaev]. Temple of the Archangel Michael in Letov.
  • Cherepovetskiye khramy s trudom nakhodyat den'gi v period pandemii. [Cherepovets churches find money with difficulty during a pandemic]. (2020, May 17). 35Media.
  • Demydova, V. (2019). Independence of the Ukrainian Church: How Russia Is Losing Its Soft Power Tool in Ukraine. Akademik Hassasiyetler, 6(11), 251-274.
  • Demydova, V. (2020). Russian Constitutional Amendments 2020: Social State or Putin Forever? Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 4(2), 147-164.
  • Deputaty osvobodili religioznyye organizatsii ot nalogov na vremya pandemii [MPs exempted religious organizations from taxes during the pandemic]. (2020, May 22). Interfax.
  • Eggert, K. (2020, April 22). Kommentariy: Epokha patriarkha Kirilla podkhodit k kontsu [Commentary: The era of Patriarch Kirill is coming to an end]. DW.
  • Higgins, A. (2020, May 6). Utrata doveriya: pandemiya razrushayet svyazi mezhdu tserkov'yu i rossiyskim gosudarstvom (The New York Times, SSHA) [Loss of Trust: Pandemic Shatters Ties Between Church and Russian State (The New York Times, USA)].
  • Khristos Voskres! Vo vsekh khramakh Rossii proshli prazdnichnyye bogosluzheniya [Christ is risen! Festive services were held in all churches of Russia]. (2020, April 19).
  • Koronavirus menyayet traditsii: Verbnoye voskresen'ye i Paskha v Moskve proydut po-novomu [Coronavirus changes traditions: Palm Sunday and Easter in Moscow will be held in a new way]. (2020, April 12).
  • Letopis' Yeparkhial'noy Zhizni [Chronicle of Diocesan Life]. (2020, March 21) Predstavitel' Sankt-Peterburgskoy yeparkhii prinyal uchastiye v diskussii o tsifrovizatsii obshchestva [A representative of the St. Petersburg diocese took part in a discussion on the digitalization of society].
  • Luchenko, K. (2020, March 30). Shiroko zakrytyye dveri. Chto sluchilos' s russkoy tserkov'yu vo vremya pandemii. [Doors wide shut. What happened to the Russian Church during the pandemic]. Carnegie Moscow Center.
  • Metropolitan of Pskov and Porkhov Tikhon (Shevkunov). (2021, February 7). Ob"Yavlyayetsya Sbor Materialov Dlya Podgotovki Proslavleniya Startsa Pskovo-Pecherskogo Monastyrya Arkhimandrita Ioanna (Krest'yankina). [Announced the Collection of Materials for Preparation of the Gloralization of the Starets of Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery Archimandrit Ioann (Krestyankin)].
  • Mitropolit Ilarion obespokoyen sud'boy fresok Svyatoy Sofii, prevrashchennoy v mechet' [Metropolitan Hilarion is concerned about the fate of the frescoes of Hagia Sophia, turned into a mosque]. (2020, July 24).
  • Mozaiku s Putinym ubrali iz khrama Minoborony [Mosaic with Putin removed from the temple of the Ministry of Defense]. (2020, May 1).
  • Patriarkh Kirill ob"yasnil, dlya chego chelovechestvu dan koronavirus [Patriarch Kirill explained why the coronavirus was given to humanity]. (2020, April 12). Interfax.
  • Patriarkh Kirill prizval posmotret' na koronavirus kak na «milost' Bozhiyu» [Patriarch Kirill urged to look at the coronavirus as "the grace of God"]. (2020, March 22). Kommersant.
  • Patriarkh Kirill raskritikoval "nerazumnykh svyashchennikov" [Patriarch Kirill criticized "unreasonable priests"]. (2020, March 29).
  • Patriarkh Kirill utverdil protivokoronavirusnyye molitvy i prizval "podumat', chto vse eto oznachayet". [Patriarch Kirill approved anti-coronavirus prayers and urged "to think about what it all means"]. (2020, March 22).
  • Patriarkh poprosil vlasti ob otsrochke kommunal'nykh platezhey dlya tserkvey [Patriarch asked authorities to defer utility bills for churches]. (2020, April 21). RBC.
  • Pochemu lyudey volnuyet roskosh' svyashchennosluzhiteley: vnimaniye privlekayut tol'ko skandaly [Why people care about the luxury of clergy: only scandals attract attention]. (2019, April 18).
  • Polovina rossiyan otmetila vliyaniye RPTS na obshchestvennuyu zhizn' v RF [Half of Russians noted the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church on public life in the Russian Federation]. (2020, March 22). RIA Novosti.
  • President of Russia. (2020, March 25). Ukaz ob ob"yavlenii v Rossii nerabochikh dney. [Decree declaring non-working days in Russia].
  • Prosveshchennyy russkiy natsionalist: Bol'she dvukh let nazad «dukhovnik Putina» Tikhon Shevkunov udalilsya iz Moskvy v Pskov. «Meduza» vyyasnila, zachem on eto sdelal [Enlightened Russian Nationalist: More than two years ago, Putin's "confessor" Tikhon Shevkunov left Moscow for Pskov. Meduza found out why he did it]. (2021, February 4). Meduza.
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020a, March 17). Sostojalos' zasedanie komissii Mezhsobornogo prisutstvija po cerkovnomu upravleniju, pastyrstvu i organizacii cerkovnoj zhizni. [Meeting of the Inter-Council Presence Commission on Church Administration, Pastorship and Organization of Church Life].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020b, March 18). Mitropolit Volokolamskij Ilarion: Russkaja Cerkov' ne rassmatrivaet vozmozhnost' otmeny bogosluzhenij iz-za jepidemii. [Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk: the Russian Church does not consider the possibility of canceling services due to the epidemic].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020c, March 24). Mitropolit Volokolamskiy Ilarion: Ne boish'sya zarazit'sya sam, podumay o drugikh [Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk: You are not afraid to get infected yourself, think about others].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020d***, March 26). Pravovoye upravleniye Moskovskoy Patriarkhii prokommentirovalo postanovleniye Pravitel'stva Sankt-Peterburga, soglasno kotoromu zapreshchayetsya poseshcheniye khramov. [The Legal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate has commented on the resolution of the Government of St. Petersburg, according to which it is prohibited to visit churches].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020d**, March 26). Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov' zapuskayet v sotsial'noy seti «Odnoklassniki» proyekt onlayn-obshcheniya so svyashchennikami [The Russian Orthodox Church launches a project of online communication with priests on the Odnoklassniki social network].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020d*, March 26). Rabochaya gruppa pri Patriarkhe Moskovskom i vseya Rusi prokommentirovala rekomendatsii vlastey vozderzhat'sya ot poseshcheniya religioznykh ob"yektov. [The working group under the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia commented on the recommendations of the authorities to refrain from visiting religious sites].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020e, March 31). V Sinodal'nom otdele po sotsial'nomu sluzheniyu sformirovany gruppy svyashchennikov i dobrovol'tsev dlya kruglosutochnoy pomoshchi bol'nym [The Synodal Department for Social Service has formed groups of priests and volunteers to help the sick around the clock].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020f, May 3). Poslaniye Svyateyshego Patriarkha Kirilla v Nedelyu 3-yu po Paskhe, svyatykh zhen-mironosits [Epistle of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill on the 3rd Week after Easter, holy myrrh-bearing women].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020g, May 21). Mery gosudarstvennoy podderzhki v period pandemii rasprostranyat na religioznyye organizatsii [State support measures during the pandemic will be extended to religious organizations].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020h, July 23). Startoval mezh"yeparkhial'nyy fotoproyekt «Tserkov' v period pandemii» [The inter-diocesan photo project "Church in the period of a pandemic" has started]. Saratovskiy mitropolit vystupil protiv zakrytiya tserkvey na Paskhu [Saratov Metropolitan opposed the closure of churches for Easter]. (2020, April 18). Kommersant.
  • Sergey Sobyanin's website. (2020, March 26). Koronavirus. Zakrytiye restoranov i parkov. [Coronavirus. Closing restaurants and parks].
  • Shchipkov, A. (2021). Pandemiya koronavirusa i budushcheye Russkoy pravoslavnoy tserkvi [The coronavirus pandemic and the future of the Russian Orthodox Church].
  • Soldatov. A. (2020. March 26). «Milost' Bozhiya» ili morovaya yazva? ["The grace of God" or a pestilence?]. Novaya Gazeta.
  • St. Petersburg's City Administration. Official Website. (2020, March 26). Gubernator podpisal postanovleniye o novykh merakh po protivodeystviyu rasprostraneniyu koronavirusnoy infektsii. [Governor signs decree on new measures to counter the spread of Coronavirus infection].
  • Svyashchennik rasskazal, kogda v khramakh RPTS zakonchatsya den'gi iz-za epidemii [The priest told when the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church will run out of money due to the epidemic]. (2020, May 8). RIA Novosti.
  • Tomilin, O. (2020, May 2). Iz-za koronakrizisa pskovskaya yeparkhiya otmenila tserkovnyye vznosy i organizovala pomoshch' svyashchennikam i sotrudnikov khramov [Due to the coronavirus crisis, the Pskov diocese canceled church fees and organized assistance to priests and church staff]. Komsomol'skaya Pravda.
  • Tserkov' i nalogi. O chem govoryat prikhozhane, svyashchenniki i vlasti [Church and taxes. What parishioners, priests, and authorities are talking about]. (2019, June 26). RIA Novosti.
  • Velikanov, P. (2020a, April 12). Koronavirus i Tserkov': promezhutochnyye itogi [Coronavirus and the Church: Interim Results].
  • Velikanov, P. (2020b, April 19). Paskha 2020, ili Kto v Dome Khozyain? [Easter 2020, or Who's the Boss?].
  • WCIOM. (2021). Deyatel'nost' obshchestvennykh institutov [Activities of public institutions].

Rus Ortodoks Kilisesi Ve Covıd-19 Pandemisi: Yeni Zorluklar ve Yeni Fırsatlar

Year 2022, , 362 - 384, 14.01.2022


Mart 2020'de Rusya'ya ulaşan COVID-19 pandemisi, Rus Ortodoks Kilisesi'ni (ROK) olumsuz yönde etkiledi. Rusya'daki kiliselerin Mart 2020'nin sonlarında kapatılmasına ilişkin tavsiyelerin ardından Rus Ortodoks Kilisesi, ciddi zorluklarla karşı karşıya kaldı. Bu makale, kiliseleri kapatıp bazılarını yoksulluğun eşiğine getirmek veya dinin temel işlevini yerine getirmek ve vatandaşları ahlaki ve ruhsal olarak desteklemek gibi bir ikilemle karşı karşıya kalan ROK'nin konumunu sorunsallaştırmaktadır. Bu makale, COVID-19 pandemisinin Rus Ortodoks Kilisesi üzerindeki etkisi hakkındaki soruyu yanıtlamayı amaçlamaktadır. ROK'nin pandemiden önemli ölçüde etkilendiği iddia edilmektedir. İlk olarak, ROK hükümetle ilişkilerinde sorunlarla karşılaştı. Kilise mensupları, yetkililerin kiliseleri kapatma kararına son dakikaya kadar direndiler. İkincisi, COVID-19 pandemisi, ROK'nin Rus toplumu içindeki konumuna bir tehdit oluşturdu: cemaat, alınan izolasyon önlemleri nedeniyle Kilise'den uzaklaştı. Üçüncüsü, vatandaşların maddi katkıları azaldı ve bu da Kilise içinde finansal krize yol açtı. Dördüncüsü, farklı din adamı grupları arasındaki bölünmeler salgın sırasında derinleşti. Son olarak, pandemi ROK için sadece yeni zorlukları değil, aynı zamanda yeni fırsatları da beraberinde getirdi. Nitekim cemaat ve Kilise arasındaki boşluğu doldurmak için çevrimiçi hizmetler başlatma şansı doğurdu. Ayrıca Kilise, post-COVID dünyasının yeni sorunlarını ele almak için ideolojisini ve dünya görüşünü yeniden tanımlama şansına sahip oldu. Yazar, Mart 2020 ile Ekim 2021 arasındaki döneme odaklanmakta ve nitel araştırma metodolojisini benimsemektedir.


  • Agency for Strategic Communications. (2020). Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov' V Usloviyakh Pandemii Sars-Cov-2. [Russian Orthodox Church in Conditions Pandemic Sars-Cov-2].
  • Agency of the City News "Moscow". (2020, March 2). Opros: 75% pravoslavnykh rossiyan podderzhali by perevod bogosluzheniy na russkiy yazyk [Poll: 75% of Orthodox Russians would support the translation of services into Russian].
  • Allen, E.A. (2020, May 7). Pope will livestream events to avoid Vatican crowds as coronoavirus fears mount. CRUX.
  • Artem Naryshkin: Fundamentalisty protiv liberalov: protivostoyaniye vnutri RPTS [Artem Naryshkin: Fundamentalists versus Liberals: Confrontation within the Russian Orthodox Church]. (2020, February 28).
  • Badmayev, N. (2020, April 14). Slovo svyashchennika khrama prp. Serafima Sarovskogo na Serafimovskom kladbishche, protoiyereya Nikity Badmayeva [The word of the priest of the temple of St. Seraphim of Sarov at the Serafimovskoye cemetery, Archpriest Nikita Badmaev]. Temple of the Archangel Michael in Letov.
  • Cherepovetskiye khramy s trudom nakhodyat den'gi v period pandemii. [Cherepovets churches find money with difficulty during a pandemic]. (2020, May 17). 35Media.
  • Demydova, V. (2019). Independence of the Ukrainian Church: How Russia Is Losing Its Soft Power Tool in Ukraine. Akademik Hassasiyetler, 6(11), 251-274.
  • Demydova, V. (2020). Russian Constitutional Amendments 2020: Social State or Putin Forever? Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 4(2), 147-164.
  • Deputaty osvobodili religioznyye organizatsii ot nalogov na vremya pandemii [MPs exempted religious organizations from taxes during the pandemic]. (2020, May 22). Interfax.
  • Eggert, K. (2020, April 22). Kommentariy: Epokha patriarkha Kirilla podkhodit k kontsu [Commentary: The era of Patriarch Kirill is coming to an end]. DW.
  • Higgins, A. (2020, May 6). Utrata doveriya: pandemiya razrushayet svyazi mezhdu tserkov'yu i rossiyskim gosudarstvom (The New York Times, SSHA) [Loss of Trust: Pandemic Shatters Ties Between Church and Russian State (The New York Times, USA)].
  • Khristos Voskres! Vo vsekh khramakh Rossii proshli prazdnichnyye bogosluzheniya [Christ is risen! Festive services were held in all churches of Russia]. (2020, April 19).
  • Koronavirus menyayet traditsii: Verbnoye voskresen'ye i Paskha v Moskve proydut po-novomu [Coronavirus changes traditions: Palm Sunday and Easter in Moscow will be held in a new way]. (2020, April 12).
  • Letopis' Yeparkhial'noy Zhizni [Chronicle of Diocesan Life]. (2020, March 21) Predstavitel' Sankt-Peterburgskoy yeparkhii prinyal uchastiye v diskussii o tsifrovizatsii obshchestva [A representative of the St. Petersburg diocese took part in a discussion on the digitalization of society].
  • Luchenko, K. (2020, March 30). Shiroko zakrytyye dveri. Chto sluchilos' s russkoy tserkov'yu vo vremya pandemii. [Doors wide shut. What happened to the Russian Church during the pandemic]. Carnegie Moscow Center.
  • Metropolitan of Pskov and Porkhov Tikhon (Shevkunov). (2021, February 7). Ob"Yavlyayetsya Sbor Materialov Dlya Podgotovki Proslavleniya Startsa Pskovo-Pecherskogo Monastyrya Arkhimandrita Ioanna (Krest'yankina). [Announced the Collection of Materials for Preparation of the Gloralization of the Starets of Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery Archimandrit Ioann (Krestyankin)].
  • Mitropolit Ilarion obespokoyen sud'boy fresok Svyatoy Sofii, prevrashchennoy v mechet' [Metropolitan Hilarion is concerned about the fate of the frescoes of Hagia Sophia, turned into a mosque]. (2020, July 24).
  • Mozaiku s Putinym ubrali iz khrama Minoborony [Mosaic with Putin removed from the temple of the Ministry of Defense]. (2020, May 1).
  • Patriarkh Kirill ob"yasnil, dlya chego chelovechestvu dan koronavirus [Patriarch Kirill explained why the coronavirus was given to humanity]. (2020, April 12). Interfax.
  • Patriarkh Kirill prizval posmotret' na koronavirus kak na «milost' Bozhiyu» [Patriarch Kirill urged to look at the coronavirus as "the grace of God"]. (2020, March 22). Kommersant.
  • Patriarkh Kirill raskritikoval "nerazumnykh svyashchennikov" [Patriarch Kirill criticized "unreasonable priests"]. (2020, March 29).
  • Patriarkh Kirill utverdil protivokoronavirusnyye molitvy i prizval "podumat', chto vse eto oznachayet". [Patriarch Kirill approved anti-coronavirus prayers and urged "to think about what it all means"]. (2020, March 22).
  • Patriarkh poprosil vlasti ob otsrochke kommunal'nykh platezhey dlya tserkvey [Patriarch asked authorities to defer utility bills for churches]. (2020, April 21). RBC.
  • Pochemu lyudey volnuyet roskosh' svyashchennosluzhiteley: vnimaniye privlekayut tol'ko skandaly [Why people care about the luxury of clergy: only scandals attract attention]. (2019, April 18).
  • Polovina rossiyan otmetila vliyaniye RPTS na obshchestvennuyu zhizn' v RF [Half of Russians noted the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church on public life in the Russian Federation]. (2020, March 22). RIA Novosti.
  • President of Russia. (2020, March 25). Ukaz ob ob"yavlenii v Rossii nerabochikh dney. [Decree declaring non-working days in Russia].
  • Prosveshchennyy russkiy natsionalist: Bol'she dvukh let nazad «dukhovnik Putina» Tikhon Shevkunov udalilsya iz Moskvy v Pskov. «Meduza» vyyasnila, zachem on eto sdelal [Enlightened Russian Nationalist: More than two years ago, Putin's "confessor" Tikhon Shevkunov left Moscow for Pskov. Meduza found out why he did it]. (2021, February 4). Meduza.
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020a, March 17). Sostojalos' zasedanie komissii Mezhsobornogo prisutstvija po cerkovnomu upravleniju, pastyrstvu i organizacii cerkovnoj zhizni. [Meeting of the Inter-Council Presence Commission on Church Administration, Pastorship and Organization of Church Life].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020b, March 18). Mitropolit Volokolamskij Ilarion: Russkaja Cerkov' ne rassmatrivaet vozmozhnost' otmeny bogosluzhenij iz-za jepidemii. [Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk: the Russian Church does not consider the possibility of canceling services due to the epidemic].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020c, March 24). Mitropolit Volokolamskiy Ilarion: Ne boish'sya zarazit'sya sam, podumay o drugikh [Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk: You are not afraid to get infected yourself, think about others].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020d***, March 26). Pravovoye upravleniye Moskovskoy Patriarkhii prokommentirovalo postanovleniye Pravitel'stva Sankt-Peterburga, soglasno kotoromu zapreshchayetsya poseshcheniye khramov. [The Legal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate has commented on the resolution of the Government of St. Petersburg, according to which it is prohibited to visit churches].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020d**, March 26). Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov' zapuskayet v sotsial'noy seti «Odnoklassniki» proyekt onlayn-obshcheniya so svyashchennikami [The Russian Orthodox Church launches a project of online communication with priests on the Odnoklassniki social network].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020d*, March 26). Rabochaya gruppa pri Patriarkhe Moskovskom i vseya Rusi prokommentirovala rekomendatsii vlastey vozderzhat'sya ot poseshcheniya religioznykh ob"yektov. [The working group under the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia commented on the recommendations of the authorities to refrain from visiting religious sites].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020e, March 31). V Sinodal'nom otdele po sotsial'nomu sluzheniyu sformirovany gruppy svyashchennikov i dobrovol'tsev dlya kruglosutochnoy pomoshchi bol'nym [The Synodal Department for Social Service has formed groups of priests and volunteers to help the sick around the clock].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020f, May 3). Poslaniye Svyateyshego Patriarkha Kirilla v Nedelyu 3-yu po Paskhe, svyatykh zhen-mironosits [Epistle of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill on the 3rd Week after Easter, holy myrrh-bearing women].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020g, May 21). Mery gosudarstvennoy podderzhki v period pandemii rasprostranyat na religioznyye organizatsii [State support measures during the pandemic will be extended to religious organizations].
  • Russian Orthodox Church. (2020h, July 23). Startoval mezh"yeparkhial'nyy fotoproyekt «Tserkov' v period pandemii» [The inter-diocesan photo project "Church in the period of a pandemic" has started]. Saratovskiy mitropolit vystupil protiv zakrytiya tserkvey na Paskhu [Saratov Metropolitan opposed the closure of churches for Easter]. (2020, April 18). Kommersant.
  • Sergey Sobyanin's website. (2020, March 26). Koronavirus. Zakrytiye restoranov i parkov. [Coronavirus. Closing restaurants and parks].
  • Shchipkov, A. (2021). Pandemiya koronavirusa i budushcheye Russkoy pravoslavnoy tserkvi [The coronavirus pandemic and the future of the Russian Orthodox Church].
  • Soldatov. A. (2020. March 26). «Milost' Bozhiya» ili morovaya yazva? ["The grace of God" or a pestilence?]. Novaya Gazeta.
  • St. Petersburg's City Administration. Official Website. (2020, March 26). Gubernator podpisal postanovleniye o novykh merakh po protivodeystviyu rasprostraneniyu koronavirusnoy infektsii. [Governor signs decree on new measures to counter the spread of Coronavirus infection].
  • Svyashchennik rasskazal, kogda v khramakh RPTS zakonchatsya den'gi iz-za epidemii [The priest told when the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church will run out of money due to the epidemic]. (2020, May 8). RIA Novosti.
  • Tomilin, O. (2020, May 2). Iz-za koronakrizisa pskovskaya yeparkhiya otmenila tserkovnyye vznosy i organizovala pomoshch' svyashchennikam i sotrudnikov khramov [Due to the coronavirus crisis, the Pskov diocese canceled church fees and organized assistance to priests and church staff]. Komsomol'skaya Pravda.
  • Tserkov' i nalogi. O chem govoryat prikhozhane, svyashchenniki i vlasti [Church and taxes. What parishioners, priests, and authorities are talking about]. (2019, June 26). RIA Novosti.
  • Velikanov, P. (2020a, April 12). Koronavirus i Tserkov': promezhutochnyye itogi [Coronavirus and the Church: Interim Results].
  • Velikanov, P. (2020b, April 19). Paskha 2020, ili Kto v Dome Khozyain? [Easter 2020, or Who's the Boss?].
  • WCIOM. (2021). Deyatel'nost' obshchestvennykh institutov [Activities of public institutions].
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Viktoriia Demydova 0000-0001-5447-1033

Publication Date January 14, 2022
Submission Date October 24, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Demydova, V. (2022). Russian Orthodox Church and Covid-19 Pandemic: New Challenges and New Opportunities. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 23(1), 362-384.

Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.