Research Article
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Stakeholder Theory in Action, The Impact of ESG Practices on Financial Performance in SADC Region Food Producers

Year 2025, , 105 - 118, 21.01.2025


In recent years, there has been a notable shift towards incorporating non-fincancial metrics, particularly environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, into the corporate financial performance (CFP) evaluation framework. The primary aim of this research is to explore the impact of ESG practices on corporate financial performance, with a particular focus on the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, which is frequently underrepresented in global ESG debates. The study concentrates on the food production sector, a key industry for this region. To achieve this aim, after the theoretical background on the subject, the empirical section examines whether engagement in ESG practices contributes to financial performance, measured primarily by Tobin's Q and alternatively by the market-to-book value ratio. The panel data models are employed for 8-year panel data of 32 publicly traded food producer companies of the SADC region between 2015 and 2022. Additionally, for the robustness test, the analysis is also repeated on a subset of 14 food producers listed in South Africa. According to the analysis results, companies disclosing ESG practices and so having an ESG score operate with higher Tobin Q and market-to-book value ratio, across both the SADC and South Africa samples. The findings suggest that companies actively involved in social, environmental, and governance initiatives, alongside transparent disclosure of their responsible practices, tend to exhibit superior financial performance. This finding is consistent with stakeholder theory, suggesting that firms can only enhance their long-term financial performance by fulfilling their responsibilities to all stakeholders and, ultimately, to society.


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  • Ahlklo, Y., & Lind, C. (2019). E, S or G? A study of ESG score and financial performance (Unpublished Master’s thesis). KTH, Industrial Engineering and Management. Master of Science Thesis TRITA-ITM-EX 2019:12
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Stakeholder Teorisi Uygulamada: SADC Bölgesindeki Gıda Üreticilerinde ESG Uygulamalarının Finansal Performansa Etkisi

Year 2025, , 105 - 118, 21.01.2025


Son yıllarda, özellikle çevresel, sosyal ve yönetişim (ÇSY) faktörleri olmak üzere finansal olmayan ölçütlerin kurumsal finansal performans (KFP) değerlendirme çerçevesine dahil edilmesine yönelik belirgin bir yönelim yaşanmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, ÇYS uygulamalarının kurumsal finansal performans üzerindeki etkisini, özellikle küresel ÇYS tartışmalarında sıklıkla yeterince temsil edilmeyen Güney Afrika Kalkınma Topluluğu (SADC) bölgesine odaklanarak araştırmaktır. Çalışma, bu bölge için önemli bir sektör olan gıda üretim sektörüne odaklanmaktadır. Bu amaca ulaşmak için, konuyla ilgili teorik arka planın ardından ampirik bölümde, ESG uygulamalarına katılımın temel olarak Tobin Q ve alternatif olarak piyasa-defter değeri ile ölçülen finansal performansa katkıda bulunup bulunmadığı incelenmiştir. SADC bölgesinde halka açık 32 gıda üreticisi şirketin 2015 ve 2022 yılları arasındaki 8 yıllık panel verilerine panel veri modelleri, uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca sağlamlık testi için analiz, Güney Afrika'da listelenen 14 gıda üreticisinden oluşan bir alt örneklem üzerinde tekrarlanmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, SADC ve Güney Afrika örneklemlerinin her ikisinde de, ESG uygulamalarını açıklayan ve dolayısıyla bir ESG puanına sahip olan şirketler daha yüksek Tobin Q ve piyasa defter değeri oranı ile faaliyet göstermektedir. Bulgular, sosyal, çevresel ve yönetişim girişimlerine aktif olarak katılan ve sorumlu uygulamalarını şeffaf bir şekilde açıklayan şirketlerin üstün finansal performans sergileme eğiliminde olduklarını öne sürmektedir. Bu bulgu, firmaların uzun vadeli finansal performanslarını ancak tüm paydaşlara ve nihayetinde topluma karşı sorumluluklarını yerine getirerek artırabileceklerini öne süren paydaş teorisi ile tutarlıdır.


  • Aboluwodiah, A., & Assaidi, A. (2023). The role of corporate sustainability and its consistency on firm financial perfor, D., Muzindutsi, P.-F., & Nomlala, B. (2024). Investor sentiments and performance of selected ESG indices in BRICS markets during bull and bear conditions. Investment Analysts Journal, 1–18.
  • Abukari, K., Musmance: Canadian evidence*. Accounting Perspectives, 22(1): 55-86,
  • Afrooz, Z., & Kruusman, A. (2019). The effect of the ESG Score on stock price jumps A quantitative study on Nordic Countries (Unpublished Master’s Thesis), Umeå University, Business Administration. Master's Program in Finance.
  • Agnese, P., Arduino, F. R., Bruno, E., & Vento, G. A. (2024). On the road to sustainability: The role of board characteristics in driving ESG performance in Africa. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 95, 101994.
  • Ahlklo, Y., & Lind, C. (2019). E, S or G? A study of ESG score and financial performance (Unpublished Master’s thesis). KTH, Industrial Engineering and Management. Master of Science Thesis TRITA-ITM-EX 2019:12
  • Alareeni, B. A., & Hamdan, A. (2020). ESG impact on performance of US S&P 500-listed firms. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 20(7), 1409–1428.
  • Albitar, K., Hussainey, K., Kolade, N., & Gerged, A. M. (2020). ESG disclosure and firm performance before and after IR: The moderating role of governance mechanisms. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 28(3), 429–444.
  • Al-Hiyari, A., Mas’ud, A., & Kolsi M. C. (2022). Environmental, social and governance (ESG) activity and corporate controversies in South Africa: The interacting role of a skillful board. In Allam Hamdan, Haneen Mohammad Shoaib, Bahaaeddin Alareeni, and Reem Hamdan (Eds.), The Implementation of Smart Technologies for Business Success and Sustainability: During COVID-19 Crises in Developing Countries (pp. 335–346). Cham: Springer.
  • Amin, N., & Tauseef, S. (2022). Does an optimal ESG score exist? Evidence from China. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 1–19.
  • Assiouras, I., Ozgen, O., & Skourtis, G. (2013). The impact of corporate social responsibility in food industry in product‐harm crises. British Food Journal, 115(1), 108–123.
  • Azmi, W., Hassan, M. K., Houston, R., & Karim, M. S. (2021). ESG activities and banking performance: International evidence from emerging economies. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 70, 101277.
  • Balatbat, M., Siew, R., & Carmichael, D. (2012). ESG scores and its influence on firm performance: Australian evidence. Australian School of Business School of Accounting, School of Accounting Seminar Series Semester, 2, 1–30.
  • Ball, R. (2021). Examining the relationship between ESG performance and financial performance of firms listed on the JSE. (Unpublished Master’s thesis). University of Cape Town. OpenUCT.
  • Barnea, A., & Rubin, A. (2010). Corporate social responsibility as a conflict between shareholders. Journal of Business Ethics, 97(1), 71–86.
  • Bennouri, M., Chtioui, T., Nagati, H., & Nekhili, M. (2018). Female board directorship and firm performance: What really matters? Journal of Banking & Finance, 88, 267-291.
  • Bhatia, A., & Makkar, B. (2019). CSR disclosure in developing and developed countries: A comparative study. Journal of Global Responsibility, 11(1), 1–26.
  • Boiral, O., Brotherton, M., Talbot, D., & Guillaumie, L. (2024). Assessing and managing environmental, social, and governance risks in agri‐food companies. Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management, 1-19.
  • Branco, M. C., & Rodrigues, L. L. (2006). Corporate social responsibility and resource-based perspectives. Journal of Business Ethics, 69(2), 111–132.
  • Brunella, A., Federico, D., Roberto, F., Pietro, P., & Madau, F. A. (2024). Role of environmental, social and governance disclosure in business profitability and cost of debt: An analysis of small Southern Italian agri-food businesses. Agribusiness.
  • Buallay, A. (2019). Is sustainability reporting (ESG) associated with performance? Evidence from the European banking sector. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 30(1), 98–115.
  • Charlo, M., Moya, I., & Muñoz, A. (2017). Financial performance of socially responsible firms: The short- and long-term impact. Sustainability, 9(9), 1622.
  • Chetty, S., Naidoo, R., & Seetharam, Y. (2015). The impact of corporate social responsibility on firms’ financial performance in South Africa. Contemporary Economics, 9(2), 193–214.
  • Chininga, E., Alhassan, A. L., & Zeka, B. (2024). ESG ratings and corporate financial performance in South Africa. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 14(3):692–713. 10.1108/JAEE-03-2023-0072.
  • Chung, K. H., & Pruitt, S. W. (1994). A simple approximation of Tobin’s q. Financial Management, 23(3), 70.
  • Clarkson, M. B. E. (1995). A stakeholder framework for analysing and evaluating corporate social performance. The Academy of Management Review, 20 (10), 92-117.
  • Collin, S. (2009). The value of environmental, social and governance factors for foundation investments. EIRIS Foundation Charity Project.
  • Danila, A., & Nancu, D. (2023). Study on ESG practices in Romanian food sector. Ovidius University Annals, Series Economic Sciences, 23(1), 337–343.
  • Costopoulou, C., Ntaliani, M., & Ntalianis, F. (2018). CSR in Food and Beverage Industry: The Greek Case. 2018 9th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA), Zakynthos, Greece,1–4.
  • De Klerk, M., De Villiers, C., & Van Staden, C. (2015). The influence of corporate social responsibility disclosure on share prices: Evidence from the United Kingdom. Pacific Accounting Review, 27(2), 208–228.
  • Del Giudice, T., Stranieri, S., Caracciolo, F., Ricci, E. C., Cembalo, L., Banterle, A., & Cicia, G. (2018). Corporate Social Responsibility certifications influence consumer preferences and seafood market price. Journal of Cleaner Production, 178, 526–533.
  • Dorfleitner, G., Halbritter, G., & Nguyen, M. (2015). Measuring the level and risk of corporate responsibility – An empirical comparison of different ESG rating approaches. Journal of Asset Management, 16(7), Article 7.
  • Engelhardt, N., Ekkenga, J., & Posch, P. (2021). ESG ratings and stock performance during the COVID-19 crisis. Sustainability, 13(13), 7133.
  • Ersoy, E., Bayrakdaroglu, A., & Şamiloğlu, F. (2011). Türkiye’de kurumsal yönetim ve firma performansı (Tobin-q ve anormal getiri) arasındaki ilişkinin analizi. Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi, 48, 71–83.
  • Fatemi, A., Glaum, M., & Kaiser, S. (2018). ESG performance and firm value: The moderating role of disclosure. Global Finance Journal, 38, 45–64.
  • Food Standards Agency. (2012). Food industry. Retrieved June 8, 2024, from the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine:
  • Franc-Dąbrowska, J., Mądra-Sawicka, M., & Ulrichs, M. (2020). Determinants of dividend payout decisions – the case of publicly quoted food industry enterprises operating in emerging markets. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33(1), 1108–1129.
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There are 84 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Finance, Finance and Investment (Other)
Journal Section Makaleler

Arzu Şahin 0000-0002-9944-1791

Walid Khalid Mitawa 0000-0002-8488-6413

Early Pub Date January 19, 2025
Publication Date January 21, 2025
Submission Date September 17, 2024
Acceptance Date November 11, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Şahin, A., & Mitawa, W. K. (2025). Stakeholder Theory in Action, The Impact of ESG Practices on Financial Performance in SADC Region Food Producers. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 26(1), 105-118.

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