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Hizmet Sektöründe Rekabet Edebilirlik ve Verimlilik

Year 2021, , 135 - 162, 07.05.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı hizmet sektöründe rekabet edebilirlik ile verimlilik arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Ülkelerin hizmet sektöründe rekabetçiliği 30 ülke için 2000-2015 dönemine ait veri seti kullanılarak dinamik panel veri analizi yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler Birleşmiş Milletler İstatistik Bölümü, Ekonomik İşbirliği ve Kalkınma Örgütü ve Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu veri tabanından elde edilmiştir. Dinamik panel veri analizinden elde edilen bulgulara göre, hizmet sektörünün Bilgi ve İletişim sektörü hariç diğer alt sektörlerinde rekabet edebilirliğin verimlilik üzerine etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca seyahat sektörü, inşaat sektörü ile kişisel, kültürel ve eğlence hizmetleri sektörlerinde Türkiye’nin yüksek rekabet edebilme gücüne sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Diğer taraftan, ulaştırma ve depolama alt hizmet sektörü, bilgi ve iletişim hizmetleri sektörü, mesleki, bilimsel ve teknik faaliyetler alt sektörü ile kültür, sanat, eğlence, dinlence ve spor faaliyetleri sektörlerinde ise Türkiye’nin nispi işgücü verimliliğinde ortalamanın altında kalmasına rağmen 2003 yılına kıyasla 2015 yılında nispi işgücü verimlilik düzeyinde artışın gözlemlendiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular politika yapıcıların, yüksek ekonomik büyüme hedefi kapsamında hizmet sektöründe rekabet edebilirliğin önemli bir faktör olduğunu göz önünde bulundurmaları gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır.

Supporting Institution

Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Komisyonu

Project Number



  • AIGINGER, K. (2000). Specialisation of European manufacturing. Austrian Economic Quarterly, 2(2000), 82-92.
  • BALASSA, B. (1965). Trade liberalisation and ‘revealed’ comparative advantage. The Manchester School, 33, 99-123.
  • BAŞKOL, M. O. (2018). International Competitiveness in Turkish Textile and Clothing Sector. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 14(3), 643-658. BAUM, C. F., SCHAFFER, M. and STILMANN, S. (2003). Instrumental variables and GMM: estimation and testing, The Stata Journal, 3 (1), 1–31.
  • BAVOROVA, M. (2003). Influence of policy measures on the competitiveness of the sugar industry in the Czech Republic. Zemedelska Ekonomıka-Praha-, 49(6), 266-274.
  • BERLEMANN, M. and WESSELHÖFT, J. E. (2014). Estimating aggregate capital stocks using the perpetual inventory method. Review of Economics, 65(1), 1-34.
  • CARRARESİ, L. and BANTERLE, A. (2008). Measuring competitiveness in the EU market: a comparison between food industry and agriculture (No. 725-2016-49577).
  • CEAPRAZ, I. L. (2008). The concepts of specialisation and spatial concentration and the process of economic integration: theoretical relevance and statistical measures. The case of Romania’s regions. Romanian Journal of Regional Science, 2(1), 68-93.
  • CONTI, G., TURCO, A.L. and MAGGIONI D. (2009). Going ınternational in services. a view on ıtalian firms’ performance. SSRN, 2375627
  • DALUM, B., LAURSEN, K. and VERSPAGEN, B. (1999). Does specialization matter for growth? Industrial and corporate change, 8(2), 267-288.
  • DESA, U. (2008). International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities Revision 4. Statistical Papers Series M, (4).
  • FOSTER-MCGREGOR, N., ISAKSSON, A. and KAULICH, F. (2013). ımporting, exporting and the productivity of services firms in sub-saharan africa. The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 98, 1-24.
  • FOURIE, J. and VON FINTEL, D. (2009). World rankings of comparative advantage in service exports (No. 03/2009).
  • GÜMÜŞ, A., and HIZIROĞLU, M. (2015). Measuring And Explaining Turkey’s Competitiveness in Services Using Balassa Index and Diamond Model. Journal of Business Research Turk, 7(2), 195-213.
  • GÜNEY, G. ve KILIÇASLAN Y. (2018). Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Kullanımı ve Firma Performansı, Ekonomik Yaklaşım, 29(106).31-72.
  • HISANAGA, M. (2007). Comparative advantage structure of US international services. KIER Discussion Paper, 633.
  • KAMPS, C. (2006). New estimates of government net capital stocks for 22 OECD countries, 1960–2001. IMF staff papers, 53(1), 120-150.
  • KILIÇASLAN, Y., R. SİCKLES, A. ATAY KAYİS, and Y. ÜÇDOĞRUK GÜREL (2017) “Impact of ICT on the Productivity of the Firm: Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing.” Journal of Productivity Analysis, 47 (3): 277–289. doi:10.1007/s11123- 017-0497-3.
  • KORU, A. T. ve DİNÇER, N. N. (2018). Türkiye’de sanayi ve hizmet sektörleri. İktisat ve Toplum, 88, 5-11.
  • KUZNAR, A. (2007). International trade in services in developing countries–threats and opportunities are developing countries competitive. In TSG 2007 Athens Ninth Annual Conference, 13-15.
  • LEE, J. (2011). Export specialization and economic growth around the world. Economic Systems, 35(1), 45-63.
  • MALCHOW-MOLLER, N.; MUNCH, J.R. and SKAKSEN, J.R. (2015). Services trade, goods trade and productivity growth: evidence from a population of private sector firms. Review of World Economics, 151, 197–229.
  • MAREL, E. V. and SHEPHERD, B. (2013). International tradability ındices for services. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 6712, 2-40.
  • MARX, K. (1986). Kapital, 1. cilt, çev. Alaattin Bilgi, Sol Yayınları, Ankara.
  • ÖZSAĞIR, A., and AKIN, A. (2012). Hizmetler Sektörü İçinde Hizmet Ticaretinin Yeri ve Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analizi. Electronic Journal Of Social Sciences, 11(41).
  • SEYOUM, B. (2007). Revealed comparative advantage and competitiveness in services: A study with special emphasis on developing countries. Journal of Economic Studies, 34(5), 376-388.
  • SUIÇMEZ, H. (2002). Verimlilik ve Etkinlik Terimleri (Tarihsel Bakış). Mülkiye Dergisi, 26 (234), 169-183.
  • TOMING, K. (2007). The impact of EU Accession on the Export Competitiveness of the Estonian Food Processing industry. Post-communist economies, 19(2), 187-207.
  • VOLLRATH, T.L. (1991). A Theoretical evaluation of alternative trade ıntensity measures of revealed comparative advantage. Weltwirtschaftliches Archive, 130, 265-79.
  • WTO (2019). World Trade Report 2019., 25.10.2019


Year 2021, , 135 - 162, 07.05.2021


The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between competitiveness and productivity in the service sector. The competitiveness of the countries in service sector is analyzed by using the data set of 30 countries for the period 2000-2015 by using dynamic panel data analysis. The data used in the study was obtained from the United Nations Statistics Division, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and Turkey Statistical Institute. The findings obtained from dynamic panel data analysis show that competitiveness affects productivity positively in the Information and Communication sector and the other sub-sectors of service sector. In addition, the travel sector, the construction sector with personal, cultural and recreational services sector has been shown to have the power to Turkey's highly competitive. On the other hand, transport and storage sub-services sector, information and communication services sector, professional, cultural sub-sector scientific and technical activities, arts, entertainment, leisure and sport activities while in the sector although it remains below the average in Turkey's relative labor productivity compared to 2003 it was concluded that there was an increase in the relative labor productivity level in 2015.The findings reveal that policy makers should take into account that competitiveness in the service sector is an important factor within the scope of the high economic growth target.

Project Number



  • AIGINGER, K. (2000). Specialisation of European manufacturing. Austrian Economic Quarterly, 2(2000), 82-92.
  • BALASSA, B. (1965). Trade liberalisation and ‘revealed’ comparative advantage. The Manchester School, 33, 99-123.
  • BAŞKOL, M. O. (2018). International Competitiveness in Turkish Textile and Clothing Sector. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 14(3), 643-658. BAUM, C. F., SCHAFFER, M. and STILMANN, S. (2003). Instrumental variables and GMM: estimation and testing, The Stata Journal, 3 (1), 1–31.
  • BAVOROVA, M. (2003). Influence of policy measures on the competitiveness of the sugar industry in the Czech Republic. Zemedelska Ekonomıka-Praha-, 49(6), 266-274.
  • BERLEMANN, M. and WESSELHÖFT, J. E. (2014). Estimating aggregate capital stocks using the perpetual inventory method. Review of Economics, 65(1), 1-34.
  • CARRARESİ, L. and BANTERLE, A. (2008). Measuring competitiveness in the EU market: a comparison between food industry and agriculture (No. 725-2016-49577).
  • CEAPRAZ, I. L. (2008). The concepts of specialisation and spatial concentration and the process of economic integration: theoretical relevance and statistical measures. The case of Romania’s regions. Romanian Journal of Regional Science, 2(1), 68-93.
  • CONTI, G., TURCO, A.L. and MAGGIONI D. (2009). Going ınternational in services. a view on ıtalian firms’ performance. SSRN, 2375627
  • DALUM, B., LAURSEN, K. and VERSPAGEN, B. (1999). Does specialization matter for growth? Industrial and corporate change, 8(2), 267-288.
  • DESA, U. (2008). International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities Revision 4. Statistical Papers Series M, (4).
  • FOSTER-MCGREGOR, N., ISAKSSON, A. and KAULICH, F. (2013). ımporting, exporting and the productivity of services firms in sub-saharan africa. The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 98, 1-24.
  • FOURIE, J. and VON FINTEL, D. (2009). World rankings of comparative advantage in service exports (No. 03/2009).
  • GÜMÜŞ, A., and HIZIROĞLU, M. (2015). Measuring And Explaining Turkey’s Competitiveness in Services Using Balassa Index and Diamond Model. Journal of Business Research Turk, 7(2), 195-213.
  • GÜNEY, G. ve KILIÇASLAN Y. (2018). Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Kullanımı ve Firma Performansı, Ekonomik Yaklaşım, 29(106).31-72.
  • HISANAGA, M. (2007). Comparative advantage structure of US international services. KIER Discussion Paper, 633.
  • KAMPS, C. (2006). New estimates of government net capital stocks for 22 OECD countries, 1960–2001. IMF staff papers, 53(1), 120-150.
  • KILIÇASLAN, Y., R. SİCKLES, A. ATAY KAYİS, and Y. ÜÇDOĞRUK GÜREL (2017) “Impact of ICT on the Productivity of the Firm: Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing.” Journal of Productivity Analysis, 47 (3): 277–289. doi:10.1007/s11123- 017-0497-3.
  • KORU, A. T. ve DİNÇER, N. N. (2018). Türkiye’de sanayi ve hizmet sektörleri. İktisat ve Toplum, 88, 5-11.
  • KUZNAR, A. (2007). International trade in services in developing countries–threats and opportunities are developing countries competitive. In TSG 2007 Athens Ninth Annual Conference, 13-15.
  • LEE, J. (2011). Export specialization and economic growth around the world. Economic Systems, 35(1), 45-63.
  • MALCHOW-MOLLER, N.; MUNCH, J.R. and SKAKSEN, J.R. (2015). Services trade, goods trade and productivity growth: evidence from a population of private sector firms. Review of World Economics, 151, 197–229.
  • MAREL, E. V. and SHEPHERD, B. (2013). International tradability ındices for services. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 6712, 2-40.
  • MARX, K. (1986). Kapital, 1. cilt, çev. Alaattin Bilgi, Sol Yayınları, Ankara.
  • ÖZSAĞIR, A., and AKIN, A. (2012). Hizmetler Sektörü İçinde Hizmet Ticaretinin Yeri ve Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analizi. Electronic Journal Of Social Sciences, 11(41).
  • SEYOUM, B. (2007). Revealed comparative advantage and competitiveness in services: A study with special emphasis on developing countries. Journal of Economic Studies, 34(5), 376-388.
  • SUIÇMEZ, H. (2002). Verimlilik ve Etkinlik Terimleri (Tarihsel Bakış). Mülkiye Dergisi, 26 (234), 169-183.
  • TOMING, K. (2007). The impact of EU Accession on the Export Competitiveness of the Estonian Food Processing industry. Post-communist economies, 19(2), 187-207.
  • VOLLRATH, T.L. (1991). A Theoretical evaluation of alternative trade ıntensity measures of revealed comparative advantage. Weltwirtschaftliches Archive, 130, 265-79.
  • WTO (2019). World Trade Report 2019., 25.10.2019
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Makaleler

Özlem Gül Dinç 0000-0003-4237-0088

Yılmaz Kılıçaslan 0000-0003-0222-2259

Project Number 1609E613
Publication Date May 7, 2021
Submission Date January 25, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Dinç, Ö. G., & Kılıçaslan, Y. (2021). Hizmet Sektöründe Rekabet Edebilirlik ve Verimlilik. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 22(1), 135-162.

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