Founded: 2024
Publisher: Sinop University
Cover Image

Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research, established in 2024 within Sinop University, is a journal published twice a year (June and December) in Turkish and English electronically. Authors who wish to submit publications to the journal must comply with the writing rules and article template created by the editors. The field of study in the journal is tourism, but studies related to tourism such as business administration, management, gastronomy, human resources, public relations, business administration, archaeology are also evaluated. Priority will be given to original research articles in the journal and graduate level academic studies will also be included in the journal.

It is mandatory to submit an Ethics Committee Report for articles that require Ethics Committee approval. Articles submitted to the journal will be sent to at least two referees after the preliminary control and will be subjected to a blind review process. When submitting an article to the journal, it is necessary to pay attention to the spelling rules (APA) and the article template. Articles that violate the journal's spelling rules and template will be sent back to the authors without going through the referee process and will be requested to make corrections. If the authors do not complete the violations of the spelling rules and template, the evaluation process is terminated by the journal management.

Ithenticate Plagiarism Program will be used for article submissions and it is requested to scan for plagiarism with bibliography filtering.

The first issue of Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research will be published in June and article submission procedures are only available through Journal Park.

Sinop Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi tarafından çıkartılan Sinop-e: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi Haziran sayısı için makale kabulüne başlamıştır. Makale süreçleri sadece DergiPark sistemi üzerinden işletilecek olup link adresi üzerinden makale gönderimi sağlanacaktır.