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Dream of European Army: Is It a Feasible Objective or Not?

Yıl 2023, , 527 - 546, 30.10.2023


The European Union’s (EU) defense initiatives have changed over time, reflecting both the pursuit of security and defense goals and the shifting dynamics of European integration. To improve defense cooperation and create a common defense strategy for the EU, several initiatives have been made. The EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP), which strives to strengthen its capacity to handle security concerns and preserve stability, has a significant influence on defense-related operations. We have witnessed new security and military efforts from the EU in the first two decades of the 2000s, such as the European Security Strategy, EU’s Global Strategy and Security Compass. 2013 marked a turning point when the USA deployed its new nuclear weapons in Europe. The announcement of the creation of the European army was made on November 13, 2017. Europe should be able to act independently in areas of defense and security rather than merely relying on the US or NATO. Because of these kinds of reservations, desires to pursue more advanced capabilities on their own have been raised.
There has been a lot of debate and analysis around the reasons for and against the formation of a European army. Numerous parties have expressed interest in and influence over the notion of a European army. The development of a European army has been heavily debated over the past several years. Why is the idea of a European army so heavily investigated? Is building such an army a realistic goal or not? What are the benefits, drawbacks, and challenges to achieving it? Who is in favor of and against building an army in Europe? These are the primary questions that we attempt to address in this article.


  • 1. Andersson, J. J. (2015). European defense collaboration – Back to the future. Institute for Security Studies: European Union, Brief No. 19.
  • 2. Angelucci, D., Isernia, P. (2019). Politicization and security policy: parties, voters and The European Common Security and Defense Policy. European Union Politics, 1(21), 64-86.
  • 3. Atlamazoglou, C.& Moyer, J. C. (2022). A Strategic Compass: The European Union expands its toolbox.
  • 4. Avezou, M. (2021). Looking towards a European Army: a once impossible idea becomes a growing necessity.
  • 5. Baykara, S. T. (2021). From ESDP to today’s new initiatives: Does neofunctionalism work? Ekonomi Politika ve Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(1), 201-215. DOI: 10.30784/epfad.852018
  • 6. BBC News, May 9, 1999,
  • 7. Biscop, S. (2012). The UK and European defense: leading or leaving? International Affairs, 88 (6), 1297-1313.
  • 8. Biscop, S. (2018). PESCO, Strategic autonomy, and ambition. Sicherheit und Frieden (S+F) / Security and Peace, 36(4), 191-195.
  • 9. Bochert, F. (2020). Europe's old beacon of new hope: The overdue creation of a European Army.
  • 10. Brânda, O. (2022). The Strategic Compass – A strategic boost of confidence in European Security. RMT, 4, 236-247.
  • 11. Btrattberg, E. and Valasek, T. (2019). EU defense cooperation: Progress amid transatlantic concerns, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1-36.
  • 12. Braw, E. (2022). Is an EU army coming?
  • 13. Csernatoni, R. (2023). Is Ukraine a game changer for European defense?
  • 14. Chryssochoou, D. N., Tsinisizelis, M. J., Stavridis, S., & Ifantis, K. (2018). Institutional imperatives of system change. Theory and Reform in the European Union.
  • 15. Cross, M. K. D., Karolewski, I. P. (2021). European-Russian power relations in turbulent times.
  • 16. Ciupiński, A., KUŚ, M. (2023). Contemporary trends in development of the European defense capabilities in the light of CARD-22. PTU, 1(163), 57-73.
  • 17. Dedman, M., Fleay, C. (1992). Britain and the European Army, History Today, 42, 11-14.
  • 18. Dempsy, J. (2023). The War in Ukraine Is About Europe’s Future.
  • 19. Dobbs, M. (1983). French leaders Revive Vision of European Security System. Washington Post, December 27, 1983. December 27, 1983.
  • 20. Edward, C. (2009). After 43 Years, France to rejoin NATO as full member. Washington Post Foreign Service. March 12, 2009.
  • 21. Ehl, M. (2023). Is Ukraine a Game Changer for European Defense?
  • 22. Fiott, D., Missiroli, A., and Tardy, T. (2017) Permanent structured cooperation: what’s in a name? European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).
  • 23. Gülmez, D. B., Gülmez, S. B. (2020). Towards an autonomous European defense? A comparative analysis of French, Polish and German perspectives in the post-Brexit era. Global Affairs, 2(6), 185-202.
  • 24. Gordon, P. (2000). Their own army? Making European defense work, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 79, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug. 2000), 12-17.
  • 25. Grant, C. (1999). European defense post-Kosovo. Centre for European Reform: Working papers, 1-13.
  • 26. Heisbourg, F. (2023). Is Ukraine a game changer for European defense?
  • 27. Hellmann, G., Baumann, R., Bösche, M., Herborth, B., & Wagner, W. (2005). De-Europeanization by default? Germany’s EU policy in defense and asylum. Foreign Policy Analysis, 1(1), 143–164.
  • 28.
  • 29. Keohane, D. (2016). Samuel Beckett’s European Army, Carnegie Europe,
  • 30. Kneucker, R. (1999). Evaluation in management and policy making at European level. Scientometrics, 45(3), 355-357.
  • 31. Lak, M. (2018). How to deal with the German menace? West German rearmament, proposals for a common European Army, and the Dutch and West German response, 1949-1955. On-Line Journal Modelling the New Europe, (28), 139-159.
  • 32. Leuprecht, C., Hamilton, R. (2021). New opportunities in common security and defense policy: Joining Pesco. ANZJES, 3(11), 78-96.
  • 33. Le Gleut, R. & Conway-Mouret, H. (2019). Information Report No:626, Senate Extraordinary Session of 2018-2019.
  • 34. Meijer, H., & Wyss, M. (2019). Upside down: reframing European defense studies. Cooperation and Conflict, 54(3), 378–406.
  • 35. Mix, D. (2013). The European Union: foreign and security policy. Congressional Research Service, 1-29.
  • 36. Nováky, N. (2018). The EU’s permanent structured cooperation in defense: keeping sleeping beauty from snoozing. European View, 1(17), 97-104.
  • 37. Oproiu, M. (2012). The European Union as a conflict manager: Perspectives after the Lisbon Treaty, Studia Diplomatica, 65(4),39-54.
  • 38. Oxford Analytica (2016). Central European defense cooperation will increase, Expert Briefings.
  • 39. Özkızılcık, Ö. (2021). A ‘European military’ and defense autonomy are pipe dreams,
  • 40. “Prodi calls for Euro army,” BBC News, May 9, 1999, accessed September 13, 2015,
  • 41. Przetacznik, J. (2022). The EU’s foreign, security and defense policy after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
  • 42. Rutten, M. (2001). From St. Malo to Nice, European defense: Core documents. Challiot Paper 47. Institute for Security Studies WEU, 1-239.
  • 43. Samadashvili, S. (2016). Good or bad neighbors: The main European security challenge.
  • 44. Speech of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron on the Defense and Deterrence Strategy (07 Feb. 20).
  • 45. Stadnik, S. (2016). A comparative historical study of the development of a European Army.
  • 46. Stein, E., & Carreau, D. (1968). Law and peaceful change in a subsystem: “Withdrawal” of France from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The American Journal of International Law, 62(3), 577–640.
  • 47. Tulun, T. E. (2022). EU Strategic Compass for security and defense shows the wrong course at the worst possible time.
  • 48. Telesca, E. and Caliva, S. (2018) European Army: a problematic dream? FINAL.pdf
  • 49. Wessel, R.A. (2001). The EU as a black widow: devouring the WEU to give birth to a European Security and Defense Policy, Vincent Kronenberger (Ed.), The European Union and the international legal order: Discord or harmony, Den Haag, 405- 434.
  • 50. Willa, R. (2019). Common defense of EU countries: Reality or fantasy? Athenaeum Polskie Studia Politologiczne, 64, 45-61.
  • 51. Winn, N. (2003). Towards a common European security and defense policy? The debate on NATO, the European Army and transatlantic security. Geopolitics, 8(2), 47-68.
  • 52. Yakoviyk, I. V., Tragniuk O. Y., Boichuk D. S. (2020). Strategic autonomy of the European Union: on the way to European sovereignty in defense? Problems of Legality, 149, 223-242.
  • 53. Zięba, R. (2022). France’s security strategy for the 21st century. Vestnik SPbSU. International relations, 1(15), 3-14.


Yıl 2023, , 527 - 546, 30.10.2023


Zaman içinde Avrupa Birliği (AB) savunma alanında pek çok girişim ortaya koymuştur. Bu doğrultuda hem güvenlik ve savunma hedeflerinin peşinden gitmiş, hem de Avrupa entegrasyonunun değişen dinamiklerine uyum sağlamaya çalışmıştır. AB’nin Ortak Güvenlik ve Savunma Politikası (OGSP), güvenlik endişeleriyle başa çıkma kapasitesini güçlendirmeyi ve istikrarı korumayı hedefleyen bir politika olarak savunma ile ilgili operasyonlarda önemli bir etkiye sahip olmuştur. Ancak 2000’li yılların başından bugüne değin AB’nin Güvenlik Stratejisi, Küresel Stratejisi ve Güvenlik Pusulası gibi AB’nin güvenlik bağlamında yeni bazı inisiyatifleri söz konusu olmuştur. ABD’nin yeni nükleer silahlarını Avrupa’ya konuşlandırmasıyla 2013 yılı AB için adeta bir dönüm noktası olmuş ve 2017 yılı itibarı ile bir Avrupa ordusu kurma düşüncesi ve arzusu yüksek sesle dile getirilmeye başlanmıştır. Temel motivasyon Avrupa’nın, sadece ABD veya NATO’ya güvenmek yerine savunma ve güvenlik alanlarında bağımsız hareket edebilme yeteneğine sahip olmasıydı. Bu tür endişelerin itici gücüyle artık Avrupa’nın savunma ve güvenlik bağlamında kendi başlarına daha ileri yeteneklere sahip olma isteğini arttırdığını söyleyebiliriz.
Bir “Avrupa ordusu” kurulması ile ilgili olarak birçok tartışma ve analiz yapılmıştır. Farklı taraflar, Avrupa ordusu fikrine ilgi göstermiş ve bir Avrupa ordusunun oluşumu fikri son yıllarda yoğun bir şekilde tartışılmıştır. Avrupa ordusu fikri neden bu kadar yoğun bir şekilde araştırılmaktadır? Böyle bir ordunun oluşturulması gerçekçi bir hedef midir yoksa değil midir? Bunun gerçekleştirilmesinin avantaj ve dezavantajları nelerdir? Bir Avrupa ordusu kurma fikrini kimler neden desteklemektedirler? Tüm bu sorular makalemizde ele almaya çalışacağımız konuları ortaya koymaktadır.


  • 1. Andersson, J. J. (2015). European defense collaboration – Back to the future. Institute for Security Studies: European Union, Brief No. 19.
  • 2. Angelucci, D., Isernia, P. (2019). Politicization and security policy: parties, voters and The European Common Security and Defense Policy. European Union Politics, 1(21), 64-86.
  • 3. Atlamazoglou, C.& Moyer, J. C. (2022). A Strategic Compass: The European Union expands its toolbox.
  • 4. Avezou, M. (2021). Looking towards a European Army: a once impossible idea becomes a growing necessity.
  • 5. Baykara, S. T. (2021). From ESDP to today’s new initiatives: Does neofunctionalism work? Ekonomi Politika ve Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(1), 201-215. DOI: 10.30784/epfad.852018
  • 6. BBC News, May 9, 1999,
  • 7. Biscop, S. (2012). The UK and European defense: leading or leaving? International Affairs, 88 (6), 1297-1313.
  • 8. Biscop, S. (2018). PESCO, Strategic autonomy, and ambition. Sicherheit und Frieden (S+F) / Security and Peace, 36(4), 191-195.
  • 9. Bochert, F. (2020). Europe's old beacon of new hope: The overdue creation of a European Army.
  • 10. Brânda, O. (2022). The Strategic Compass – A strategic boost of confidence in European Security. RMT, 4, 236-247.
  • 11. Btrattberg, E. and Valasek, T. (2019). EU defense cooperation: Progress amid transatlantic concerns, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1-36.
  • 12. Braw, E. (2022). Is an EU army coming?
  • 13. Csernatoni, R. (2023). Is Ukraine a game changer for European defense?
  • 14. Chryssochoou, D. N., Tsinisizelis, M. J., Stavridis, S., & Ifantis, K. (2018). Institutional imperatives of system change. Theory and Reform in the European Union.
  • 15. Cross, M. K. D., Karolewski, I. P. (2021). European-Russian power relations in turbulent times.
  • 16. Ciupiński, A., KUŚ, M. (2023). Contemporary trends in development of the European defense capabilities in the light of CARD-22. PTU, 1(163), 57-73.
  • 17. Dedman, M., Fleay, C. (1992). Britain and the European Army, History Today, 42, 11-14.
  • 18. Dempsy, J. (2023). The War in Ukraine Is About Europe’s Future.
  • 19. Dobbs, M. (1983). French leaders Revive Vision of European Security System. Washington Post, December 27, 1983. December 27, 1983.
  • 20. Edward, C. (2009). After 43 Years, France to rejoin NATO as full member. Washington Post Foreign Service. March 12, 2009.
  • 21. Ehl, M. (2023). Is Ukraine a Game Changer for European Defense?
  • 22. Fiott, D., Missiroli, A., and Tardy, T. (2017) Permanent structured cooperation: what’s in a name? European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).
  • 23. Gülmez, D. B., Gülmez, S. B. (2020). Towards an autonomous European defense? A comparative analysis of French, Polish and German perspectives in the post-Brexit era. Global Affairs, 2(6), 185-202.
  • 24. Gordon, P. (2000). Their own army? Making European defense work, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 79, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug. 2000), 12-17.
  • 25. Grant, C. (1999). European defense post-Kosovo. Centre for European Reform: Working papers, 1-13.
  • 26. Heisbourg, F. (2023). Is Ukraine a game changer for European defense?
  • 27. Hellmann, G., Baumann, R., Bösche, M., Herborth, B., & Wagner, W. (2005). De-Europeanization by default? Germany’s EU policy in defense and asylum. Foreign Policy Analysis, 1(1), 143–164.
  • 28.
  • 29. Keohane, D. (2016). Samuel Beckett’s European Army, Carnegie Europe,
  • 30. Kneucker, R. (1999). Evaluation in management and policy making at European level. Scientometrics, 45(3), 355-357.
  • 31. Lak, M. (2018). How to deal with the German menace? West German rearmament, proposals for a common European Army, and the Dutch and West German response, 1949-1955. On-Line Journal Modelling the New Europe, (28), 139-159.
  • 32. Leuprecht, C., Hamilton, R. (2021). New opportunities in common security and defense policy: Joining Pesco. ANZJES, 3(11), 78-96.
  • 33. Le Gleut, R. & Conway-Mouret, H. (2019). Information Report No:626, Senate Extraordinary Session of 2018-2019.
  • 34. Meijer, H., & Wyss, M. (2019). Upside down: reframing European defense studies. Cooperation and Conflict, 54(3), 378–406.
  • 35. Mix, D. (2013). The European Union: foreign and security policy. Congressional Research Service, 1-29.
  • 36. Nováky, N. (2018). The EU’s permanent structured cooperation in defense: keeping sleeping beauty from snoozing. European View, 1(17), 97-104.
  • 37. Oproiu, M. (2012). The European Union as a conflict manager: Perspectives after the Lisbon Treaty, Studia Diplomatica, 65(4),39-54.
  • 38. Oxford Analytica (2016). Central European defense cooperation will increase, Expert Briefings.
  • 39. Özkızılcık, Ö. (2021). A ‘European military’ and defense autonomy are pipe dreams,
  • 40. “Prodi calls for Euro army,” BBC News, May 9, 1999, accessed September 13, 2015,
  • 41. Przetacznik, J. (2022). The EU’s foreign, security and defense policy after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
  • 42. Rutten, M. (2001). From St. Malo to Nice, European defense: Core documents. Challiot Paper 47. Institute for Security Studies WEU, 1-239.
  • 43. Samadashvili, S. (2016). Good or bad neighbors: The main European security challenge.
  • 44. Speech of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron on the Defense and Deterrence Strategy (07 Feb. 20).
  • 45. Stadnik, S. (2016). A comparative historical study of the development of a European Army.
  • 46. Stein, E., & Carreau, D. (1968). Law and peaceful change in a subsystem: “Withdrawal” of France from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The American Journal of International Law, 62(3), 577–640.
  • 47. Tulun, T. E. (2022). EU Strategic Compass for security and defense shows the wrong course at the worst possible time.
  • 48. Telesca, E. and Caliva, S. (2018) European Army: a problematic dream? FINAL.pdf
  • 49. Wessel, R.A. (2001). The EU as a black widow: devouring the WEU to give birth to a European Security and Defense Policy, Vincent Kronenberger (Ed.), The European Union and the international legal order: Discord or harmony, Den Haag, 405- 434.
  • 50. Willa, R. (2019). Common defense of EU countries: Reality or fantasy? Athenaeum Polskie Studia Politologiczne, 64, 45-61.
  • 51. Winn, N. (2003). Towards a common European security and defense policy? The debate on NATO, the European Army and transatlantic security. Geopolitics, 8(2), 47-68.
  • 52. Yakoviyk, I. V., Tragniuk O. Y., Boichuk D. S. (2020). Strategic autonomy of the European Union: on the way to European sovereignty in defense? Problems of Legality, 149, 223-242.
  • 53. Zięba, R. (2022). France’s security strategy for the 21st century. Vestnik SPbSU. International relations, 1(15), 3-14.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Politika ve Yönetim (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Sevil Şahin 0000-0003-2982-7450

Mustafa Ozan Şahin 0000-0001-6060-5034

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 25 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, S., & Şahin, M. O. (2023). Dream of European Army: Is It a Feasible Objective or Not?. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 24(4), 527-546.

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