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Çin'in Sosyal Kredi Sistemi: Veri Odaklı Toplumda Ahlaki Yönetimin İnşası

Yıl 2022, , 143 - 166, 14.01.2022


1978'de ekonomisini dışa açmaya ve reform yapmaya başladıktan sonra Çin, yolsuzlukta belirgin bir kötüleşme yaşamıştır. Çin'deki yolsuzluğun yaygın etkisi vatandaşlara endişe vermektedir. Bu bağlamda, 2014 yılında Devlet Konseyi tarafından resmi olarak çıkarılan ve hızla gelişmeye devam eden sosyal kredi sistemi, Çin toplumunun tamamının dürüstlüğünü, samimiyetini, güven düzeyini artırmak için büyük veriden yararlanmayı, ciddi güven kırılmasının önlenmesi için ortak ceza mekanizması oluşturmayı amaçlamaktadır. Sistem, bireylerini, işletmelerini, devlet şubelerini ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarını izler ve araştırır ve davranış verilerine göre güvenilir veya güvenilmez olarak sınıflandırır. Bu sistem, ödül ve ceza mekanizmalarını destekleyen kara liste ve kırmızı liste sistemlerinden oluşmaktadır. Gerçekten de, veriye dayalı sistem, kara listelerde yer alan bireylerin ve işletmelerin adlandırılmasını ve utandırılmasını alenen teşvik etmiştir. Sosyal kredi sistemi kapsamında, yerel yönetimler 2017 yılında büyük ölçüde kendi model şehir pilot projelerini tasarlamıştır. Model şehirler kendi farklı sistemlerini hayata geçirmek için seçilmiştir. Bu nedenle genel bir kural çerçevesi yoktur. Şimdiye kadar, batılı gözlemciler ve medya, sosyal kredi sistemini mahremiyet için bir tehdit olarak tanımlamış ve Orwellci bir proje olarak nitelendirmiştir. Öte yandan Çin halkı, sistemi uzun süredir artan yolsuzluk skandallarına iyi bir yanıt olarak algılamıştır. Çinli liderler ayrıca, Partinin meşruiyetini yolsuzlukla mücadeledeki etkinliğine bağlayarak skandallarla ilgili endişelerini derinden dile getirmişlerdir. Ancak günün sonunda, hala yapım aşamasında olan bu sistemin etkinliği optimal olmaktan uzak görünmektedir. Bu bağlamda, bu makale sosyal kredi sisteminin sürecini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bulgulara dayanarak, makale sosyal kredi sisteminin ahlaki avantaj ve dezavantajlarını daha da vurgulamaktadır. Buna karşılık, bu makale, Çin sosyal kredi sisteminin sonuçlarını, sürecini, algılarını ve veriye dayalı sistemini daha iyi anlamak için analize genel bir bakış sunmaktadır. Bu bağlamda makalenin temel araştırma soruları sosyal kredi sisteminin nasıl ortaya çıktığı ve Çin toplumuna nasıl uyum sağladığıdır.


  • AlibabaGroup (2021, 12Temmuz). Ant Financial Unveils China's First Credit-Scoring System Using Online Data, 2015,
  • Bai, Y. (2021, 1 Haziran). Rénmín wǎng, “Běijīng shì guǐdào jiāotōng chéngkè shǒuzé” jīn qǐ shíshī chēxiāng nèi jìnzhǐ jìnshí, 2019 ,
  • Bischoff, P. (2021, 16 Haziran). Surveillance Camera Statistics: Which Cities Have The Most CCTV Cameras?, 2021,
  • CreditShaanxi (2021, 15 Mayıs). Pínglùn: Gěi dàzhòng xìnyòng tǐxì jiànshè sòng qù zhǎngshēng hé gǔlì, 2014,
  • Creemers, R. (2018). China’s Social Credit System: An Evolving Practice Of Control, SSRN, 1–32.
  • Chen, Y. & Ching-Fu L. & Han-Wei L. (2018) “Rule of Trust: The Power and Perils of China’s Social Credit Megaproject”, Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 32(1), 1–36.
  • Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Merkezi Halk Hükümeti Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó Zhōngyāng Rénmín Zhèngfǔ, (2021, 12 Nisan). Shèhuì Xìnyòng Tǐxì Jiànshè Guīhuà Gāngyào (2014—2020 nián),
  • Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Merkezi Halk Hükümeti Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó Zhōngyāng Rénmín Zhèngfǔ, (2021, 25 Mart ). Rénmíng Yínháng Yìnfā “Guānyú Zuò Hǎo Gèrén Zhēng Xìn Yèwù Zhǔnbèi Gōngzuò De Tōngzhī, 2015,
  • Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Merkezi Halk Hükümeti Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó Zhōngyāng Rénmín Zhèngfǔ, (2021, 15 Nisan), Héwèi “Shuāng Suíjī, Yī Gōngkāi”? Lǐkèqiáng Wèihé Rúcǐ Zhòngshì Zhè Zhāo?, 2018,
  • Dai X. 戴 昕,(2019). Dài xīn lǐjiě shèhuì xìnyòng tǐxì jiànshè de zhěngtǐ shìjiǎo fǎzhì fēnsàn, dé zhì jízhōng yǔ guīzhì qiánghuà Zhōngwài fǎxué, 31(6), 1469-1491.
  • Emmott,R. (2021, 12 Haziran). China's Intelligence Law Looms Over EU 5G Safeguards: Official, 2019,
  • Gewirtz, J. (2016). The Futurists of Beijing: Alvin Toffler, Zhao Ziyang, and China's “New Technological Revolution,” 1979–1991, The Journal of Asian Studies, 78(1), 115–140.
  • Heilmann, S. (2016), Leninism Upgraded: Xi Jinping’s Authoritarian Innovations, China Economic Quarterly, 20(4), 15-22.
  • Hoffman, S. (2015) Ensuring Comprehensive State Security in the “Ideological Battleground” Online Publication: China Brief, 15(22), 8-11
  • Huang, R. (2021, 12 Haziran). Yìmiáo Chǒuwén Yǐn Zhòngnù, Zhōngguó Zhòng Fá Zhǎngchūn Chángshēng 91 yì yuán 2018,
  • Jin, H. (2021, 12 Haziran).(Zhōngguó shípǐn) Dú Nǎifěn Shìjiàn Hòu Nǎi Nóng Dào Nǎi Mànyán, Dìfāng Zhèngfǔ Kāishǐ Ānpái Bǔtiē 2008,
  • Kania, E. (2021, 10 Mayıs). “Much ado about Huawei (part 2)”, The Strategist, March 28, 2018,
  • Knight, A. (2021). Technologies of Risk and Discipline in China’s Social Credit System, Law and the Party in Xi Jinping's China: Ideology and Organization, Rogier J. E. H. Creemers, Susan (Ed.),Cambridge University Press, 237-262
  • Koetse, M. (2021, 10 Mart). "Zhejiang Movie Theatre Displays Blacklisted Individuals in Avengers Movie Preview", 2019,
  • Lun, Y. (2007). The Analects of Confucius, Burton Watson (Çev.), Columbia University Press.
  • Mozur, P. &, Zhong R., & Krolik A. (2021, 10 Mayıs). “In Coronavirus Fight, China Gives Citizens a Color Code, With Red Flags.” The New York Times, March 1, 2020,
  • Qin C. (2021,25 Mayıs). Rénmín Wǎng Píng: Jiānjué Dǎ Yíng Zhè Chǎng Rénmín Zhànzhēng Zǒngtǐ Zhàn Zǔjí Zhàn, 2020,
  • Sartori, G. (1993). How Far Can Free Government Travel?, Journal of Democracy, 6, 101–111.
  • Shen, O. (2020). Al Dreams And Authoritarian Nightmares, China Dream, Jane Golley, Linda Jaivin, Ben Hillman (Ed.), ANU Press.
  • Sun, J. (2021, 16 Ağustos) Zuìgāo Fǎ Míngquè “Lǎo Lài” Shàng Bǎng Qíxiàn: Yībān 2 Nián Zuì Zhǎng Huò Wèi 5 Nián, 2017,
  • US Embassy (2021, 15 Haziran). Remarks Delivered by Vice President Mike Pence on the Administration’s Policy towards China,
  • Walton, G. (2001). China’s Golden Shield: Corporations and the Development of Surveillance Technology in the People’s Republic of China. Rights & Democracy, Montréal : Rights & Democracy
  • Xinhua (2021, 12 Ağustos), Zhōnggòng zhōngyāng bàngōng tīng guówùyuàn bàngōng tīng yìnfā “guānyú jiākuài tuījìn shīxìn bèi zhíxíng rén xìnyòng jiāndū, jǐngshì hé chéngjiè jīzhì jiànshè de yìjiàn” 2016,
  • Xinhua (2021, 20 Eylül). Cháozhe jiànshè wǎngluò qiángguó mùbiāo bùxiè nǔlì——XíJìnpíng zǒng shūjì yǐnlǐng tuīdòng wǎngluò qiángguó zhànlüè zòngshù,2017,
  • Xinhua (2021,10 Mayıs). Shànghǎi Shì Jiǎncháyuàn Yuán Jiǎnchá Zhǎng Chén Xù Shòuhuì Chāo 7423 Wàn Yī Shěn Bèi Pàn Wúqí, 2018,
  • Xinhua (2021,19 Mayıs ), 2682 Wàn Réncì Yīn Shīxìn Bèi Xiànzhì Chéngjī 2682, 2019,
  • Xinhua (2021,5 Mayıs). Liánhé Diàochá Zǔ Gōngbù “Huáng Mǒu Yīng Shìjiàn” Diàochá Jiéguǒ, 2020a,
  • Xinhua (2021,10 Mayıs). Xinhua Headlines: Seven Things China Has Done Right to Battle Coronavirus,” 2020b,
  • Xinhua (2021, 1 Mayıs). “Commentary: China Firm to Win Anti-virus Battle at All Cost,” Xinhua, 2020c January 26, 2020,
  • Yan, W. (2021, 21 Ağustos). Suiningxien Dazhongxinyong Guanli Shixingbanfa’ Zhuyao Neirong , Tengxunpinglun, 2010,
  • Zhang Y. & Xu W. (2002), Jīngjì Zǔzhī Xíngshì, Jiāoyì Xìngzhì Yǔ Shèhuì Xìnyòng Wéichí Jiān Lùn Wǒguó Shèhuì Xìnyòng De Quēshī Yuányīn Yǔ Zhòng Gòu Shèxiǎng , Jīnróng Lùntán , Vol.10, 1-7.
  • Zhang, Y. & He, Y. & Liu, Q. (2019), Zhōngguó Shèhuì Xìnyòng Tǐxì Jiànshè Yǔ Gǎigé 40 Nián (2019 nián 3 yuè 8 rì bǎn), Zhōngguó chéngxìn yán jiù yuàn ,1-34.
  • Zhao, C. (2021, 18 Ağustos). Suī Níngxiàn Dàzhòng Xìnyòng Xìnxī Pínggū Xìzé (Shìxíng) , 2011,
  • Zheng G. (2021, 16 Ağustos). 30 Nián Lìjiè Sān Zhōng Quánhuì Gěi Zhōngguó Dài Lái Shénme 19 rì, 2008,
  • Zheng, X. (2021, 16 Ağustos). 11 Yuè 1 Rì Qǐ, Xíngrén Chuǎnghóngdēng Hé Zhèxiē Wéifǎ Xíngwéi Jiāng Nàrù Zhēng Xìn Tǐ,2019,
  • Zhong, K., & Lu, X. (2018). Exploring the Administrative Mechanism of China’s Paired Assistance to Disaster Affected Areas Program, Disasters, 42(3), 590–612.
  • Zhong, R. & Mozur P. (2021, 14 Ağustos). “To Tame Coronavirus, Mao-Style Social Control Blankets China.” The New York Times, February 15, 2020,
  • Zhou Y.(2021, 1 Haziran). Jia Qiang He Gai Jin She Hui Guanli – Cujin Shehui Wending Hexie,Renmin Ribao, 2006
  • Zhuo, H. & Lei, Y. & Shen, S. (2016). “China’s Personal Credit Reporting System in The İnternet Finance Era: Challenges and Opportunities.” China Economic Journal, 9(3), 288-303.

China’s Social Credit System: The Construction of Moral Governance in Data-Driven Society

Yıl 2022, , 143 - 166, 14.01.2022


After the beginning economic reforms and open door policy in 1978, China has experienced a marked worsening of corruption. The pervasive influence of corruption in China gives citizens cause for concern. In this context, the social credit system, officially issued by the State Council in 2014 and still evolving rapidly, aims to leverage big data to improve integrity, sincerity, trust level of the whole of Chinese society, to establish joint punishment mechanism for impeding serious trust-breaking. The system monitors and investigates its individuals, enterprises, government branches, and non-government organisations and categorizes them trustworthy or untrustworthy according to their behavioural data. This system is also comprised of blacklists and red lists systems that provides reward and punishment mechanisms. Indeed, data-driven system have publicly encouraged the ‘naming and shaming’ of individuals and businesses presented on blacklists. Under social credit system, local governments have largely designed their own model city pilot projects in 2017. Model cities have been selected to enact their own different systems. It therefore has no general rule framework. So far, the western observers and media have described the social credit system as a threat to privacy and referred as an Orwellian project. The Chinese people, on the other hand, have long perceived the system as a good response to the growing of corruption scandals. Chinese leaders have also deeply voiced concern regarding scandals, linking the Party's legitimacy to its effectiveness to combat corruption. But, at the end of the day, still under construction, the effectiveness of this system is seen far from optimal. In this context, this article seeks to analyse the process of the social credit system. Based on the findings, the paper further highlights the moral advantage and disadvantages of the social credit system. By contrast, this paper provides an overview of the analysis on the Chinese social credit system to better understand its implications, process, perceptions and data-driven system. In this regard, the main research questions of the article are how the social credit system emerges and how it adapts to Chinese society.


  • AlibabaGroup (2021, 12Temmuz). Ant Financial Unveils China's First Credit-Scoring System Using Online Data, 2015,
  • Bai, Y. (2021, 1 Haziran). Rénmín wǎng, “Běijīng shì guǐdào jiāotōng chéngkè shǒuzé” jīn qǐ shíshī chēxiāng nèi jìnzhǐ jìnshí, 2019 ,
  • Bischoff, P. (2021, 16 Haziran). Surveillance Camera Statistics: Which Cities Have The Most CCTV Cameras?, 2021,
  • CreditShaanxi (2021, 15 Mayıs). Pínglùn: Gěi dàzhòng xìnyòng tǐxì jiànshè sòng qù zhǎngshēng hé gǔlì, 2014,
  • Creemers, R. (2018). China’s Social Credit System: An Evolving Practice Of Control, SSRN, 1–32.
  • Chen, Y. & Ching-Fu L. & Han-Wei L. (2018) “Rule of Trust: The Power and Perils of China’s Social Credit Megaproject”, Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 32(1), 1–36.
  • Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Merkezi Halk Hükümeti Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó Zhōngyāng Rénmín Zhèngfǔ, (2021, 12 Nisan). Shèhuì Xìnyòng Tǐxì Jiànshè Guīhuà Gāngyào (2014—2020 nián),
  • Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Merkezi Halk Hükümeti Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó Zhōngyāng Rénmín Zhèngfǔ, (2021, 25 Mart ). Rénmíng Yínháng Yìnfā “Guānyú Zuò Hǎo Gèrén Zhēng Xìn Yèwù Zhǔnbèi Gōngzuò De Tōngzhī, 2015,
  • Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Merkezi Halk Hükümeti Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó Zhōngyāng Rénmín Zhèngfǔ, (2021, 15 Nisan), Héwèi “Shuāng Suíjī, Yī Gōngkāi”? Lǐkèqiáng Wèihé Rúcǐ Zhòngshì Zhè Zhāo?, 2018,
  • Dai X. 戴 昕,(2019). Dài xīn lǐjiě shèhuì xìnyòng tǐxì jiànshè de zhěngtǐ shìjiǎo fǎzhì fēnsàn, dé zhì jízhōng yǔ guīzhì qiánghuà Zhōngwài fǎxué, 31(6), 1469-1491.
  • Emmott,R. (2021, 12 Haziran). China's Intelligence Law Looms Over EU 5G Safeguards: Official, 2019,
  • Gewirtz, J. (2016). The Futurists of Beijing: Alvin Toffler, Zhao Ziyang, and China's “New Technological Revolution,” 1979–1991, The Journal of Asian Studies, 78(1), 115–140.
  • Heilmann, S. (2016), Leninism Upgraded: Xi Jinping’s Authoritarian Innovations, China Economic Quarterly, 20(4), 15-22.
  • Hoffman, S. (2015) Ensuring Comprehensive State Security in the “Ideological Battleground” Online Publication: China Brief, 15(22), 8-11
  • Huang, R. (2021, 12 Haziran). Yìmiáo Chǒuwén Yǐn Zhòngnù, Zhōngguó Zhòng Fá Zhǎngchūn Chángshēng 91 yì yuán 2018,
  • Jin, H. (2021, 12 Haziran).(Zhōngguó shípǐn) Dú Nǎifěn Shìjiàn Hòu Nǎi Nóng Dào Nǎi Mànyán, Dìfāng Zhèngfǔ Kāishǐ Ānpái Bǔtiē 2008,
  • Kania, E. (2021, 10 Mayıs). “Much ado about Huawei (part 2)”, The Strategist, March 28, 2018,
  • Knight, A. (2021). Technologies of Risk and Discipline in China’s Social Credit System, Law and the Party in Xi Jinping's China: Ideology and Organization, Rogier J. E. H. Creemers, Susan (Ed.),Cambridge University Press, 237-262
  • Koetse, M. (2021, 10 Mart). "Zhejiang Movie Theatre Displays Blacklisted Individuals in Avengers Movie Preview", 2019,
  • Lun, Y. (2007). The Analects of Confucius, Burton Watson (Çev.), Columbia University Press.
  • Mozur, P. &, Zhong R., & Krolik A. (2021, 10 Mayıs). “In Coronavirus Fight, China Gives Citizens a Color Code, With Red Flags.” The New York Times, March 1, 2020,
  • Qin C. (2021,25 Mayıs). Rénmín Wǎng Píng: Jiānjué Dǎ Yíng Zhè Chǎng Rénmín Zhànzhēng Zǒngtǐ Zhàn Zǔjí Zhàn, 2020,
  • Sartori, G. (1993). How Far Can Free Government Travel?, Journal of Democracy, 6, 101–111.
  • Shen, O. (2020). Al Dreams And Authoritarian Nightmares, China Dream, Jane Golley, Linda Jaivin, Ben Hillman (Ed.), ANU Press.
  • Sun, J. (2021, 16 Ağustos) Zuìgāo Fǎ Míngquè “Lǎo Lài” Shàng Bǎng Qíxiàn: Yībān 2 Nián Zuì Zhǎng Huò Wèi 5 Nián, 2017,
  • US Embassy (2021, 15 Haziran). Remarks Delivered by Vice President Mike Pence on the Administration’s Policy towards China,
  • Walton, G. (2001). China’s Golden Shield: Corporations and the Development of Surveillance Technology in the People’s Republic of China. Rights & Democracy, Montréal : Rights & Democracy
  • Xinhua (2021, 12 Ağustos), Zhōnggòng zhōngyāng bàngōng tīng guówùyuàn bàngōng tīng yìnfā “guānyú jiākuài tuījìn shīxìn bèi zhíxíng rén xìnyòng jiāndū, jǐngshì hé chéngjiè jīzhì jiànshè de yìjiàn” 2016,
  • Xinhua (2021, 20 Eylül). Cháozhe jiànshè wǎngluò qiángguó mùbiāo bùxiè nǔlì——XíJìnpíng zǒng shūjì yǐnlǐng tuīdòng wǎngluò qiángguó zhànlüè zòngshù,2017,
  • Xinhua (2021,10 Mayıs). Shànghǎi Shì Jiǎncháyuàn Yuán Jiǎnchá Zhǎng Chén Xù Shòuhuì Chāo 7423 Wàn Yī Shěn Bèi Pàn Wúqí, 2018,
  • Xinhua (2021,19 Mayıs ), 2682 Wàn Réncì Yīn Shīxìn Bèi Xiànzhì Chéngjī 2682, 2019,
  • Xinhua (2021,5 Mayıs). Liánhé Diàochá Zǔ Gōngbù “Huáng Mǒu Yīng Shìjiàn” Diàochá Jiéguǒ, 2020a,
  • Xinhua (2021,10 Mayıs). Xinhua Headlines: Seven Things China Has Done Right to Battle Coronavirus,” 2020b,
  • Xinhua (2021, 1 Mayıs). “Commentary: China Firm to Win Anti-virus Battle at All Cost,” Xinhua, 2020c January 26, 2020,
  • Yan, W. (2021, 21 Ağustos). Suiningxien Dazhongxinyong Guanli Shixingbanfa’ Zhuyao Neirong , Tengxunpinglun, 2010,
  • Zhang Y. & Xu W. (2002), Jīngjì Zǔzhī Xíngshì, Jiāoyì Xìngzhì Yǔ Shèhuì Xìnyòng Wéichí Jiān Lùn Wǒguó Shèhuì Xìnyòng De Quēshī Yuányīn Yǔ Zhòng Gòu Shèxiǎng , Jīnróng Lùntán , Vol.10, 1-7.
  • Zhang, Y. & He, Y. & Liu, Q. (2019), Zhōngguó Shèhuì Xìnyòng Tǐxì Jiànshè Yǔ Gǎigé 40 Nián (2019 nián 3 yuè 8 rì bǎn), Zhōngguó chéngxìn yán jiù yuàn ,1-34.
  • Zhao, C. (2021, 18 Ağustos). Suī Níngxiàn Dàzhòng Xìnyòng Xìnxī Pínggū Xìzé (Shìxíng) , 2011,
  • Zheng G. (2021, 16 Ağustos). 30 Nián Lìjiè Sān Zhōng Quánhuì Gěi Zhōngguó Dài Lái Shénme 19 rì, 2008,
  • Zheng, X. (2021, 16 Ağustos). 11 Yuè 1 Rì Qǐ, Xíngrén Chuǎnghóngdēng Hé Zhèxiē Wéifǎ Xíngwéi Jiāng Nàrù Zhēng Xìn Tǐ,2019,
  • Zhong, K., & Lu, X. (2018). Exploring the Administrative Mechanism of China’s Paired Assistance to Disaster Affected Areas Program, Disasters, 42(3), 590–612.
  • Zhong, R. & Mozur P. (2021, 14 Ağustos). “To Tame Coronavirus, Mao-Style Social Control Blankets China.” The New York Times, February 15, 2020,
  • Zhou Y.(2021, 1 Haziran). Jia Qiang He Gai Jin She Hui Guanli – Cujin Shehui Wending Hexie,Renmin Ribao, 2006
  • Zhuo, H. & Lei, Y. & Shen, S. (2016). “China’s Personal Credit Reporting System in The İnternet Finance Era: Challenges and Opportunities.” China Economic Journal, 9(3), 288-303.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Uluslararası İlişkiler
Bölüm Makaleler

Özlem Zerrin Keyvan 0000-0003-2072-3655

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Ocak 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Keyvan, Ö. Z. (2022). Çin’in Sosyal Kredi Sistemi: Veri Odaklı Toplumda Ahlaki Yönetimin İnşası. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 23(1), 143-166.

Cited By

Çin’in Sosyal Kredi Sistemi: Nedir, Ne Değildir?
Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi

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