Year 2015,
Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 301 - 310, 17.09.2015
Cengiz Toraman
H. Ali Ata
Mehmet Buğan
Participation banks operating in the Turkish banking system have not yet demonstrated sufficient progress even though it has raised its share in the banking sector over time. Increasing the efficiency of participation banks providing alternative investment and financing opportunities is crucial in terms of providing resources for the economy and development of the financial system. For this reason, the performances of the participation banks have been analyzed in a comparative way. In this study, the data has comprised financial ratios obtained from financial statement of participation banks in Turkey for the 2006-2014 periods. Independent samples t- test results revealed that the magnitude of liquid assets and total assets of deposit banks have been considerably higher than participation banks. Furthermore, in terms of capital adequacy, deposit banks have had a stronger structure than participation banks. In addition, the factors affecting the profitability of banks have been estimated by a two-stage generalized method of moments (GMM). The analysis has shown that bank profitability has a positive relationship with capital adequacy and operational efficiency whereas it has a negative relationship with the ratio of nonperforming loans to total loans as an indicator of credit quality
- Albertazzi, U. ve Gambacorta, L. (2009). Bank profitability and the business cycle. Journal of Financial Stability, 5(4), 393–409. doi:10.1016/j.jfs.2008.10.002
- Alkassim, F. A. (2005). The profitability of Islamic and conventional banking in the GCC countries: A comparative study. Journal of Review of Islamic Economics, 13(1), 5–30.
- Amba, M. S., & Almukharreq, F. (2013). Impact of the Financial Crisis on Profitability of the Islamic Banks vs Conventional Banks - Evidence from GCC. International Journal of Financial Research, 83-93
- Anbar, A. ve Alper, D. (2011). Bank specific and macroeconomic determinants of commercial bank profitability: empirical evidence from Turkey. Business and Economics Research Journal, 2(2), 139–152.
- Arellano, M. ve Bond, S. (1991). Some tests of specification for panel data: Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations. The review of economic studies, 58(2), 277–297.
- Athanasoglou, P., Delis, M. ve Staikouras, C. (2006). Determinants of bank profitability in the South Eastern European region. adresinden erişildi.
- Athanasoglou, P. P., Brissimis, S. N. ve Delis, M. D. (2008). Bank-specific, industry-specific and macroeconomic determinants of bank profitability. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 18(2), 121–136. doi:10.1016/j.intfin.2006.07.001
- BDDK,, adresinden erişildi.
- Chronopoulos, D. K., Liu, H., McMillan, F. J. ve Wilson, J. O. S. (2015). The dynamics of US bank profitability. The European Journal of Finance, 21(5), 426–443. doi:10.1080/1351847X.2013.838184
- Elsiefy, E. (2013). Comparative Analysis of Qatari Islamic Banks Performance versus Conventional Banks Before,During and After the Financial Crisis. International Journal of Business and Commerce, 11-41.
- Erol, C., Baklaci, H. F., Aydoğan, B. ve Tunç, G. (2014). Performance comparison of Islamic (participation) banks and commercial banks in Turkish banking sectornull. EuroMed Journal of Business, 9(2), 114–128. doi:10.1108/EMJB-05-2013-0024
- Gülhan, Ü. ve Uzunlar, E. (2011). Bankacılık Sektöründe Kârlılığı Etkileyen Faktörler: Türk Bankacılık Sektörüne Yönelik Bir Uygulama/Factors Influencing the Bank Profitability: an Apllication on Turkish Banking Sector. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 15(1). adresinden erişildi.
- Haron, S. (2004). Determinants of Islamic bank profitability. Global Journal of Finance and Economics, 1(1), 11–33.
- Islam, S. ve Nishiyama, S.-I. (2015). The determinants of bank profitability: dynamic panel evidence from South Asian countries. adresinden erişildi.
- Kosmidou, K., Tanna, S. ve Pasiouras, F. (2005). Determinants of profitability of domestic UK commercial banks: panel evidence from the period 1995-2002. Money Macro and Finance (MMF) Research Group Conference içinde (C. 45).
- Mobarek, A., & Kalonov, A. (2014). Comparative Performance Analysis Between Conventional and Islamic Banks: Emprical Evidence From OIC Countries. Applied Economics, 253-270.
- Naceur, S. B. (2003). The determinants of the Tunisian banking industry profitability: Panel evidence. Universite Libre de Tunis working papers. adresinden erişildi.
- Olson, D. ve Zoubi, T. A. (2011). Efficiency and bank profitability in MENA countries. Emerging Markets Review, 12(2), 94–110. doi:10.1016/j.ememar.2011.02.003
- Pratomo, W. A. ve Ismail, A. G. (2006). Islamic bank performance and capital structure. adresinden erişildi.
- Rashwan, M. H. (2012). How Did Listed Islamic and Traditional Banks Performed: Pre and Post the 2008 Financial Crisis? Journal Of Applied Finance & Banking, 149-175.
- Qin, S. ve Wei, Z. (2014). Basel III, risk aversion and bank performance: evidence from Chinese commercial banks panel data. adresinden erişildi.
- Sufian, F. ve Habibullah, M. S. (2009). Bank specific and macroeconomic determinants of bank profitability: empirical evidence from the China banking sector. Frontiers of Economics in China, 4(2), 274–291.
- Taşkın, F. D. (2011). Türkiye’de Ticari Bankaların Performansını Etkileyen Faktörler. Ege Akademik Bakış, 11(2), 289–298.
- Vong, P. I. ve Chan, H. S. (2009). Determinants of bank profitability in Macao. Macau Monetary Research Bulletin, 12(6), 93–113.
- Wasiuzzaman, S. ve Nair Gunasegavan, U. (2013). Comparative study of the performance of Islamic and conventional banks: The case of Malaysia. Humanomics, 29(1), 43–60. doi:10.1108/08288661311299312
- Wasiuzzaman, S. ve Tarmizi, H. (2010). Profitability of Islamic banks in Malaysia: an empirical analysis. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 6(4), 53–68.
Year 2015,
Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 301 - 310, 17.09.2015
Cengiz Toraman
H. Ali Ata
Mehmet Buğan
Türk bankacılık sistemi içerisinde faaliyet gösteren katılım bankaları, her geçen gün aktif büyüklüğünü ve sektör içerisindeki payını artırmış olmasına rağmen yeterli bir gelişme gösterememiştir. Alternatif yatırım ve finansman imkânları sunan katılım bankalarının sektördeki etkinliğinin artması finansal sistemin gelişimi ve ekonomiye kaynak sağlanması açısından önemli olmaktadır. Bu nedenle çalışmada, katılım bankalarının performansları karşılaştırmalı bir şekilde analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren mevduat ve katılım bankalarının 2006-2014 dönemi için mali tablo bilgilerinden elde edilen finansal oranlardan yararlanılmıştır. Bağımsız örneklemler t-Testi sonucunda mevduat bankalarının toplam aktif ve likit aktif büyüklüklerinin katılım bankalarından daha yüksek olduğu ve sermaye yeterliliği anlamında mevduat bankalarının katılım bankalarına nazaran daha güçlü bir yapıya sahip olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca banka karlılığına etki eden faktörler, iki aşamalı genelleştirilmiş momentler metodu (generalized method of moment-GMM) ile tahmin edilmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonucunda banka karlılığının operasyonel etkinlik ve sermaye yeterliliği ile pozitif yönlü, kredi kalitesinin göstergesi olan takipteki kredilerin toplam kredilere oranı ile negatif yönlü bir ilişkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
- Albertazzi, U. ve Gambacorta, L. (2009). Bank profitability and the business cycle. Journal of Financial Stability, 5(4), 393–409. doi:10.1016/j.jfs.2008.10.002
- Alkassim, F. A. (2005). The profitability of Islamic and conventional banking in the GCC countries: A comparative study. Journal of Review of Islamic Economics, 13(1), 5–30.
- Amba, M. S., & Almukharreq, F. (2013). Impact of the Financial Crisis on Profitability of the Islamic Banks vs Conventional Banks - Evidence from GCC. International Journal of Financial Research, 83-93
- Anbar, A. ve Alper, D. (2011). Bank specific and macroeconomic determinants of commercial bank profitability: empirical evidence from Turkey. Business and Economics Research Journal, 2(2), 139–152.
- Arellano, M. ve Bond, S. (1991). Some tests of specification for panel data: Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations. The review of economic studies, 58(2), 277–297.
- Athanasoglou, P., Delis, M. ve Staikouras, C. (2006). Determinants of bank profitability in the South Eastern European region. adresinden erişildi.
- Athanasoglou, P. P., Brissimis, S. N. ve Delis, M. D. (2008). Bank-specific, industry-specific and macroeconomic determinants of bank profitability. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 18(2), 121–136. doi:10.1016/j.intfin.2006.07.001
- BDDK,, adresinden erişildi.
- Chronopoulos, D. K., Liu, H., McMillan, F. J. ve Wilson, J. O. S. (2015). The dynamics of US bank profitability. The European Journal of Finance, 21(5), 426–443. doi:10.1080/1351847X.2013.838184
- Elsiefy, E. (2013). Comparative Analysis of Qatari Islamic Banks Performance versus Conventional Banks Before,During and After the Financial Crisis. International Journal of Business and Commerce, 11-41.
- Erol, C., Baklaci, H. F., Aydoğan, B. ve Tunç, G. (2014). Performance comparison of Islamic (participation) banks and commercial banks in Turkish banking sectornull. EuroMed Journal of Business, 9(2), 114–128. doi:10.1108/EMJB-05-2013-0024
- Gülhan, Ü. ve Uzunlar, E. (2011). Bankacılık Sektöründe Kârlılığı Etkileyen Faktörler: Türk Bankacılık Sektörüne Yönelik Bir Uygulama/Factors Influencing the Bank Profitability: an Apllication on Turkish Banking Sector. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 15(1). adresinden erişildi.
- Haron, S. (2004). Determinants of Islamic bank profitability. Global Journal of Finance and Economics, 1(1), 11–33.
- Islam, S. ve Nishiyama, S.-I. (2015). The determinants of bank profitability: dynamic panel evidence from South Asian countries. adresinden erişildi.
- Kosmidou, K., Tanna, S. ve Pasiouras, F. (2005). Determinants of profitability of domestic UK commercial banks: panel evidence from the period 1995-2002. Money Macro and Finance (MMF) Research Group Conference içinde (C. 45).
- Mobarek, A., & Kalonov, A. (2014). Comparative Performance Analysis Between Conventional and Islamic Banks: Emprical Evidence From OIC Countries. Applied Economics, 253-270.
- Naceur, S. B. (2003). The determinants of the Tunisian banking industry profitability: Panel evidence. Universite Libre de Tunis working papers. adresinden erişildi.
- Olson, D. ve Zoubi, T. A. (2011). Efficiency and bank profitability in MENA countries. Emerging Markets Review, 12(2), 94–110. doi:10.1016/j.ememar.2011.02.003
- Pratomo, W. A. ve Ismail, A. G. (2006). Islamic bank performance and capital structure. adresinden erişildi.
- Rashwan, M. H. (2012). How Did Listed Islamic and Traditional Banks Performed: Pre and Post the 2008 Financial Crisis? Journal Of Applied Finance & Banking, 149-175.
- Qin, S. ve Wei, Z. (2014). Basel III, risk aversion and bank performance: evidence from Chinese commercial banks panel data. adresinden erişildi.
- Sufian, F. ve Habibullah, M. S. (2009). Bank specific and macroeconomic determinants of bank profitability: empirical evidence from the China banking sector. Frontiers of Economics in China, 4(2), 274–291.
- Taşkın, F. D. (2011). Türkiye’de Ticari Bankaların Performansını Etkileyen Faktörler. Ege Akademik Bakış, 11(2), 289–298.
- Vong, P. I. ve Chan, H. S. (2009). Determinants of bank profitability in Macao. Macau Monetary Research Bulletin, 12(6), 93–113.
- Wasiuzzaman, S. ve Nair Gunasegavan, U. (2013). Comparative study of the performance of Islamic and conventional banks: The case of Malaysia. Humanomics, 29(1), 43–60. doi:10.1108/08288661311299312
- Wasiuzzaman, S. ve Tarmizi, H. (2010). Profitability of Islamic banks in Malaysia: an empirical analysis. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 6(4), 53–68.