Manuscript Acceptance Process

The publication process in Cumhuriyet University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences proceeds as follows:
I. Preliminary Study: The manuscript is reviewed by the editor in terms of compliance with journal publication principles, academic writing rules and APA citation system.
II. Field Editor Review: The manuscripts, which has passed the Preliminary Review stage, is reviewed by the relevant field editor in terms of academic language and style.
III. Academic Evaluation Process: The study, which has passed the review of the field editor, is submitted to the evaluation of two reviewers depending on the blind reviewing system.
IV. Criteria for Acceptance-Rejection Decision: Our reviewers are asked to give one of four different decisions (Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision, Rejection) defined in the system regarding the study. In accordance with the publication policy of our journal, each decision is given one point. These scores are as follows:
Acceptance: 1
Minor Revision: 0,75
Major Revision: 0,25
Rejection: 0

Rating system of two reviewers’ evaluations:
• Manuscripts above 1 are acceptable. However, the revisions requested by the reviewer(s) must be made by the author.
• Manuscripts with 1 are sent to a third reviewer. Manuscripts with the decision of a third reviewer as "Minor Revision or Acceptable" are published. In case of a contrary decision, they are rejected. If the third reviewer's decision is "Major Revision", the decision-making authority is the editorial board.
• Manuscripts with less than 1 are "Rejected".

Last Update Time: 12/5/23, 2:17:46 PM

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